Category Archives: Announcements

Do the Vermont Bike/WALK Challenge! Sign up today!

Re-Post Courtesy of Local Motion: Love to bike?  Fired up about walking and running? We’ve got two great options for you! OPTION 1:  THE NATIONAL BIKE CHALLENGE.  This is a five-month challenge for folks who love to bike lots of miles and want to compete all summer long with people from across the country.  More info at […]

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Local Motion and Vermont Bicycle and Pedestrian Coalition Announce Merger

Repost from Local Motion: We are excited to share with you the news that Local Motion and the Vermont Bicycle and Pedestrian Coalition are joining forces! Interest in walking and biking is surging, and, statewide, Vermont is surpassing national trends for the number of people who choose to walk to work, and keeping pace with national […]

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Press on new Burlington/Winooski Multi-Modal Hubs/Bike lockers

Re-Post from Sandy Thibault, Executive Director, Chittenden Area Transportation Management Association (CATMA): On Thursday, transportation partners announced the installation of secure bike lockers completing the Mutli-Modal Hubs in Winooski and Burlington at a press conference in Winooski. Check out this press release and clip from WPTZ.  These lockers are the first of their kind in the northeast […]

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Basic Mediation Workshop at Champlain College – April 29-May 2

The Basic Mediation Workshop is coming up on April 29-May 2nd.  Learn how to better engage conflicts at your workplace and at home and learn to help others resolve their conflicts.  If you’re looking for a set of skills that can change your life and for which those around you at work and at home […]

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Students in the Publishing in the 21st Century class created an IndieGoGo fundraiser for the “You Have a Voice App.”  The app is a step forward in the ongoing battle against human trafficking. It will give law enforcement the ability to communicate quickly and effectively with non-English speaking victims of human trafficking. Read the rest of this […]

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2015 Champlain Community Garden Plot Registration due April 17th

It is time to sign-up for Champlain College Community Garden membership for the 2015 season! Applications and money are due by April 17th. Form: Here is general info for the 2015 season:  

Managed Print Services Printer Program at Champlain College

Check out the latest Champlain is doing to reduce printer-related waste! On October 1, 2013 Champlain College transitioned all network printers to the SymQuest Group Managed Print Services printer program, which brought the following advantages to all of us: Optimized our printer fleet. All network printing done at a guaranteed low cost per page. Monthly […]

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