Category Archives: Announcements

Sustain Champlain – Fall 2015 in review

In this our tenth year of Sustain Champlain, we’ve continued making strong headway in making our campus and community a more sustainable place to work/live/study. Here’s a glimpse as to what we’ve been up to: Student Eco-Reps 16 Student Eco-Reps representing  diverse academic fields have explored themes including: Waste, Transportation & Conscious Consumption 5 students […]

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Champlain College signs on to American Campuses Act on Climate Pledge

From the White House Briefing Room: On November 19th, 2015, the White House launched American Campuses Act on Climate (ACAC) initiative to amplify the voice of the higher-ed community in support of a strong international climate agreement in the United Nations COP21 climate negotiations in Paris. The launch included a White House roundtable with campus […]

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EPA Youth Advisory Group – Looking for Burlington representatives

Wouldn’t it be great to have a BVT representative?  The EPA is seeking 15 young adults, ages 18 to 29, who are involved in climate change efforts and/or advocacy to join the NEJAC Youth Perspectives on Climate Justice Work Group.  The Work Group will be convened in January 2016, to assist the NEJAC in developing advice and […]

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DRAFT Active Transportation Plan – Review Period NOW OPEN

The DRAFT Active Transportation Plan is NOW OPEN for a FINAL two-week review period from November 5th-20th. Please Review the plan and complete the short feedback form or provide comments on any page to We are using the Google Sites format instead of a printed document, so that the Plan can be a ‘living […]

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Results from our Annual Trash Bash

This morning a few Eco-Reps and friends of Sustain Champlain conducted our annual Trash Bash waste sort.  Using approximately 34 pounds of trash pulled from the IDX compactor (and originated in CCM and perhaps a res hall) we sorted and pulled out items that could have been recycled, composted, or disposed of in other ways. […]

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