VT Interfaith Power and Light’s conference will be in a month, on Saturday, Sept. 27 at Grace Congregational Church in Rutland.
Please register for the conference soon and encourage others to come!
The weekend before our conference, staff and several VTIPL board members will be at the People’s Climate March in New York City. For others planning to go to the March on 9/21, look for information in VTIPL’s September newsletter about a prayer service which will happen just before the March, and about other faith community events before and after the March.
VTIPL’s conference will be a great opportunity to build on the momentum of the People’s Climate March. Whether or not you’re able to be in NYC, plan to come to the conference!
Also, let VTIPL know if people from your congregation are going to the People’s Climate March. They would like to report, in their October newsletter, on how many Vermont congregations had people attending the March. Be sure to contact VTIPL so your congregation will be included in the count.
Courtesy of Betsy Hardy, Coordinator, VT Interfaith Power and Light