Stand Up For Climate Change Comedy Show on April 22

Stand Up For Climate Change Comedy Show
An Experiment with Creative Climate Comedy
Tune in on April 22!

For viewers across the world we first air the show April 22 (Earth Day) beginning:

8am Boulder time / 11am Rio de Janeiro / 3pm London / 7pm Dushanbe  / 10pm Beijing / midnight Sydney
From there it will be available online for viewing anytime later

Stand Up for Climate, a celebration for the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, released April 22.

This “best of” show features brief climate comedy videos from our five years of hosting this event along with this year’s international climate comedy video contest winners. Max Boykoff and Beth Osnes will co-host, and Philadelphia comedian Chuck Nice is a featured guest!

This online offering is an example of something we call, ‘good natured’ comedy,’ which our research shows helps process negative emotions, feeds hope, and sustains climate action. Reversing global warming is a mighty challenge to our survival that requires a steep incline in new behaviors. But like any huge mountain, there’s only one way to get over it. Climate!


Live tweeting will be throughout the day with hashtag #climatecomedy via @boykoff @osnesb & @ITG_ Boulder