Age Well volunteers visit with older Vermonters in their homes. They help older Vermonters by providing a regular friendly visit, going grocery shopping, running errands, assisting with medical appointments, delivering Meals on Wheels, organizing, bill paying, providing caregiver respite, making minor home repairs, participating in Veterans Visiting Other Veterans, and more. A typical volunteer shift is once a week for two hours. Volunteers feel an incredible sense of satisfaction and reward seeing the impact they have on those they support.
Age Well is currently receiving requests for volunteers at a higher rate than ever before, which is why it is so important for us to continue forming community partnerships. College students are the future of our state and volunteering with older Vermonter’s will give them a chance to connect with their new community.
Age Well has been coordinating services and care for older adults throughout Addison, Chittenden, Franklin, and Grand Isle Counties for almost 50 years. In addition to connecting our clients with volunteers, Age Well provides services and resources to older Vermonters (60+) such as Meals on Wheels, Care and Service Coordination, and Health and Wellness opportunities like Tai Chi. All programs and services are offered at no cost to those that receive services.
If you are are interested in volunteering, reach out to Lauren Walsh, Volunteer Program Coordinator, lwalsh@agewellvt.org, for background check and volunteer information forms.