LEND A HAND. VOLUNTEER – United Way’s Volunteer Connection site is set up to help connect agencies and volunteers. Agencies are working hard to navigate volunteering during this time, but opportunities are increasing. Here is a link for Volunteer Connection to learn more about these and other opportunities.
EVENT VOLUNTEERS – Maquam Bay of Missisquoi needs volunteers, age 16 and older, to help at local events. Tasks include directing attendees, signing people in, and helping to serve food. Email info@abenakination.com.
PICK IT UP! – Winooski Valley Park District invites volunteers age 10 and older to help pick up litter in the city’s parks, mainly in parking lots and along the trails. Here’s a chance to enjoy the park while you help to keep it clean! Contact Timothy Larned at timlarned@wvpd.org.
TESTING 1, 2, 3: Green Mountain Habitat for Humanity is seeking volunteers to test donated electronics in their ReStores. If you’re free for 2 to 3 hours during the week or on the weekend, join the electronics team and test anything from jukebox speakers to coffee makers to computer monitors. Experience helpful but not required. Email volunteer@vermonthabitat.org.
ON THE BOARD – Peer Teaching and Learning provides advanced learning opportunities for underserved populations, primarily adults with disabilities. They are looking to expand and enhance their Board of Directors and Board Committees with community volunteers age 18 and older. The Board meets remotely 7 times a year via Zoom with one in-person annual meeting. All Board work can be done remotely from any location. Help empower students to take ownership of their educational experience and share their passions while building self-confidence and expanding meaningful relationships with their peers and in their communities. Contact Steve Tavella at executive director@peerteachingandlearning.org.
LET’S DO LUNCH – Mercy Connections Community Lunch is returning to their Center on Thursday, October 6th, and every Thursday thereafter into the holiday season. They are looking for volunteers, age 18 and older, to reheat delivered food and then help serve lunch. Average commitment time is 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Contact Maeve Keating at mkeating@mercyconnections.org.
Megan Bridges (she/her) why?
Community Impact Manager
United Way of Northwest Vermont
Need assistance? Community resources? Dial 2-1-1 or visit the Vermont 2-1-1 website.
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Looking for a meaningful volunteer opportunity in your community? Visit our Volunteer Connection site today!