Reposted From: ecoNEWS VT

Highlighting the latest findings in ecological research and monitoring from across Vermont
As the field season slows down and the weather cools, take some time to catch up on your Vermont eco-news. This season’s newsletter is all about Vermont’s water resources, highlighting some of the threats to their health and potential solutions.

Ongoing Research Aims to Improve Water Quality, Pollinator Habitat, and Support Abenaki
A pilot research project is using a holistic approach to riparian buffer restoration in the Champlain Valley

Airborne Emissions of PFAS Can Contaminate Soil and Groundwater
Airborne emission of PFAS found in soils and groundwater downwind from Teflon factory in Bennington, Vermont.

Climate Change Impacts Phosphorus Loss From Tile-Drained Farm Fields
More frequent severe drought and heavy rain events can lead to spikes in phosphorus export from tile drains in Vermont farm fields.
Featured Online Tools, Maps, and Mobile Apps

Floodplain Mapping Tool for Conservation and Restoration Planning
Vermont land use planners and researchers can use new maps that show how different-sized floods will spread across river valleys.
Lake Champlain Sea Grant announces Fall 2022 Research Seminar Series

Join us each month to learn more about how we impact the health of the lake and the surrounding watershed. These monthly webinars will be available on Zoom from noon to 1pm ET and will cover important topics including the ability for subsurface gravel wetlands to treat stormwater runoff, the connection between legacy phosphorus and cyanobacteria in Lake Carmi, the impacts of cyanobacteria on fish populations, and winter mercury patterns in Lake Champlain. Please register for the events in advance.
How Effective are Subsurface Gravel Wetlands at Treating Stormwater Runoff in Vermont
Speaker: Andres Torizzo, Principal Hydrologist and co-founder of Watershed Consulting
Wednesday, September 28, 2022 – 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Cyanobacteria Bloom Impacts on Fish: Ecological and Human Health Considerations
Speaker: Natalie Flores, UVM Rubenstein School
Wednesday, October 26, 2022 – 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Winter Mercury Patterns in Lake Champlain and Future Environmental Health Risks
Speaker: Roxanne Karimi, Stony Brook University and Vermont Department of Health
Wednesday, November 16, 2022 – 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Exploring the Response of Legacy Phosphorus and Cyanobacteria Blooms in Lake Carmi to Whole-Lake Aeration
Speaker: Ashton Kirol, University of Vermont Geology Department
Wednesday, December 7, 2022 – 12:00pm to 1:00pm
2022 Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative Conference – December 15, 2022

2022 Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative Conference
Technological advances in forest science have improved our ability to monitor, assess, and understand forested ecosystems. However, the use of new technologies varies in their accessibility, utility and interpretation. New innovations, ranging from remote sensing technologies to management tools and community science, must balance the needs of various stakeholder groups. The 2022 FEMC Annual Conference will explore advances in forest science, how these advances related to applied practices, and how our community can benefit from new approaches.
Who should attend: All policy makers, researchers, resource managers, students and other stakeholders who work or are interested in northeastern forested ecosystems.
Date: Thursday, December 15, 2022, 8:30am-5:30pm.
For more information please visit:
A Tribute to Senator Patrick Leahy – October 6, 2022
A Tribute to Senator Patrick Leahy: A Lifelong Champion for Vermont’s Environment and Communities
Throughout his career in the U.S. Senate, Patrick Leahy has been an unfailing champion for Vermont’s – and the nation’s – air, water, and land, and the health of our people. From the Conte National Wildlife Refuge, across the Green Mountain National Forest, to Lake Champlain, his dedication to safeguarding and investing in Vermont’s natural resources has improved the lives of all Vermonters.
Date: Thursday, October 6, 4:00pm – 6:30pm
For more information please visit:
The Wild Mushrooms of the Green Mountain Audubon Center – October 2, 2022

A guided walk and community science experience with Meg Madden
Are you fungi-curious? Do you see interesting mushrooms in your travels and wish you knew more about these fascinating organisms? On this walk we will explore the woods and learn about the mushrooms we find along the way including what they are, how to identify them, and the essential roles fungi play in their ecosystems. We will also discuss the importance of community science and learn tips and tricks for taking mushroom photos.
Date: Sunday, October 2, 9:00am – 11:30am
For more information please visit:
Joel Store: Award-Winning National Geographic Photographer at Vermont International Film Festival – October 29, 2022
Learn How Photography is Helping Save the Most Endangered Species
The Nature Conservancy – Vermont
Joel Sartore is an award-winning photographer, speaker, author, conservationist, and the 2018 National Geographic Explorer of the Year. Joel specializes in documenting endangered species and landscapes around the world. He is the founder of the Photo Ark, a 25-year documentary project to save species and habitat. “It is folly to think that we can destroy one species and ecosystem after another and not affect humanity,” he says. “When we save species, we’re actually saving ourselves.”
Joel is the keynote speaker of this year’s VT International Film Festival. He will take us through his different efforts, and stories while capturing “profiles of hope.” This event is online with the option to attend a watch party hosted by VTIFF.
Date: Saturday, October 29, 2022, 4:45pm – 6:00pmFor more information please visit:
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