October 20, 2021
LEND A HAND. VOLUNTEER – United Way of Northwest Vermont’s mobile-friendly Volunteer Connection connects you to hundreds of local volunteer needs. Search by age, date, county, interests or causes that are important to you. Stay connected to community needs. Here is a link for Volunteer Connection to learn more about these and other opportunities.
MEALS ON WHEELS NEEDS YOU! – Age Well has an urgent need for Meals on Wheelsvolunteers to perform a number of tasks. Volunteers can deliver meals, grocery shop, help with budgeting, and/or share friendly visits with older neighbors. Areas with the greatest need are Burlington, Winooski, Essex Middlebury, Vergennes, Bridport, St. Albans and Swanton. Some wonderful folks are just waiting to share some time with you! For information, contact the Age Well Volunteer Team at 662-5249 or email volunteer@agewellvt.org.
GIVING THANKS – Burlington Dismas House is looking for volunteer individuals and groups to cook Thanksgiving dinner at their Buell Street location. Volunteers will be asked to coordinate with the Assistant House Director to be sure there is a wonderful meal for guests. Volunteers are also invited to join the residents for dinner. Contact Cory Bragg at 658-0381 or email cory@dismasofvt.org.
ROLL OUT (AND MIND) THE BARRELS: The Salvation Army is rolling out their toy donation barrels at various sites in Chittenden County and are looking for volunteers to check on the barrels from November 9 through December 21. Volunteers collect the toys and deliver them to the Salvation Army or to a Williston collection site. A great family opportunity! Contact John Welsh at 872-0354 to sign up for a location(s) near you.
CREATE & SERVE A MEAL – Cathedral Square is in need of volunteers to cook at Memory Care at Allen Brook in Williston, home to residents with memory impairment. Volunteers work onsite to prepare and serve the meal and clean up. All ingredients are provided. Training provided. Contact Beth Alpert at 859-8870 or email alpert@cathedralsquare.org.
THE ART OF GIVING – Art from the Heart offers art making opportunities at and to Medical Center patients and their caregivers and families. They currently need volunteers on Tuesday afternoons from 2:30 to 5:30 at the Burlington City Arts Center, 135 Church Street to help create the art making kits to be delivered to the hospital. No special art experience needed. Contact Rebecca Schwarz at 865-7166.
PROVIDE A MEAL – ANEW Place has resumed serving shared donated meals with guests at their North Street shelter. They are looking for community members, local churches, and businesses to provide meals, visit the sober shelter, and establish a supportive relationship with those in need. Volunteers must either be vaccinated or provide a negative test result within a week of providing the meal if they wish to stay and share the meal. Sign up at https://www.anewplacevt.org/meals.html.
Megan Bridges (she/her), Community Impact Coordinator, United Way of Northwest Vermont, (802) 861-7822 unitedwaynwvt.org