Webinars with CSWD Experts
Register Today!

Are you missing our workshops? CSWD is taking them online! Our Outreach team is working hard to bring you the workshops you enjoyed PRE-COVID virtually. We are also working on virtual tours of our facilities for future webinars.
UPCOMING WEBINARS: Visit our Webinars page to preregister for these Zoom offerings.
Composting With Worms
When: Saturday, December 5 – 10:00 AM EST
Worms make great roommates. They’re quiet, respectful, don’t take up much space, and they turn food scraps into amazing plant food!
Food Scrap Options: From Soup to Nuts (and everything in between!)When: Thursday, December 10 – 5:00-5:45 PM ESTLearn about your many options for keeping food scraps out of the landfill. We’ll include tips for avoiding waste, tricks for convenient kitchen collection, and how to choose a scrap-management strategy that works for your household, your budget, and every Vermont season.