Save the date for NOFA-VT’s
Annual Winter Conference &
50th Anniversary Celebration
February 2021 • Registration coming soon
Every February for the last 38 years, the NOFA-VT Winter Conference has been a highlight of the winter for farmers, gardeners, homesteaders, change-makers, organizers, and enthusiastic eaters. Each winter, over a thousand of your fellow organic movement builders join together for learning, inspiration, networking, and visioning—not to mention delicious food, meaningful conversation and joyful celebration. This event is a traditional benchmark in the agricultural season and like most things now, our conference will look a little different this year.
This February, in lieu of our in-person conference, we are planning an incredible month-long series of virtual events with many different opportunities for online learning, gathering, and movement building. (More details coming soon!) This series will also be the kick-off of a year-long celebration for our 50th anniversary (NOFA-VT was founded in 1971)!
A sneak peek at our speakers & panel discussions
Keynote Speaker: Sunday, February 7th, 3 pm
Sherri Mitchell

Sherri Mitchell – Weh’na Ha’mu Kwasset, is a Native American attorney, teacher, activist and changemaker who grew up on the Penobscot Indian Reservation. She is the author of Sacred Instructions: Indigenous Wisdom for Living Spirit-Based Change, and convener of the global healing ceremony, Healing the Wounds of Turtle Island. She is the founding director of the Land Peace Foundation, an organization dedicated to the protection of Indigenous land, water and religious rights, and the preservation of the Indigenous way of life. Sherri works at the intersection between Indigenous rights, climate change and conscious evolution. She has been a longtime advisor to the American Indian Institute’s Traditional Circle of Indian Elders and Youth, and was a program coordinator for their Healing the Future Program. She has also served as an advisor to the Indigenous Elders and Medicine People’s Council of North and South America for the past 20 years, and is a consultant and Advisory Committee member for Nia Tero’s International Indigenous Land Guardianship Program. She currently speaks and teaches around the world.
Panel Discussion: Sunday, February 13th, 3 pm
Elders & Long Time Leaders of the Organic Movement
Panel Discussion: Sunday, February 20th, 3 pm
Innovative & Emerging Leaders for Vermont’s Agricultural Future
Interested in sponsoring the conference?
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Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont
PO Box 697
14 Pleasant Street
Richmond, Vermont 05477