October 13, 2020
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News of the Week

Saint Louis U Establishes Institute for Healing Justice & Equity
A new institute at Saint Louis University has been established to help eliminate disparities caused by systemic oppression and to promote healing. The Institute for Healing Justice and Equity will begin its work with a founding investment by SLU of more than $1.7 million. Through research, training, community engagement and public policy development, the institute will help build equitable communities by assessing and promoting best practices that foster healing from social injustice, trauma and oppression.
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Villanova U Receives $5M Gift for DEI Curriculum Initiatives
A $5 million gift from the Lorenzini Family Foundation will support the new Intergroup Dialogue Center. The center will focus on curricular transformation and faculty training with a diversity, equity and inclusion lens. The Intergroup Dialogue Center will also amplify the existing Intergroup Relations program, which teaches students to create meaningful dialogue and relationships among people from different social, economic, racial and ethnic groups.
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Columbia U Launches ‘Carbon Dioxide Removal Law’ Database
U California San Francisco Educates on Racism in Health Care
Aspen Institute Announces Ideas Worth Teaching Award Winners
EPA Honors 2020 Green Power Leadership Awardees
U Wisconsin Madison Places Solar Panels on Arboretum
Colorado State U Curtails Landscape Irrigation
California State U San Marcos Begins Post-Consumer Composting
Planning & Administration
U California Los Angeles Develops Anti-Racism Hub Focusing on Asian Americans
Submit sustainability news & information from your institution
Submit Questions for the AASHE GCSHE Keynote Speakers
Conference attendees may submit questions for keynote speakers at the AASHE Global Conference on Sustainability in Higher Education (GCSHE). Selected questions will be asked of keynotes during the Q&A period for each keynote. Use the information provided about each speaker on the conference website to get a sense of who the speakers are and what they will be discussing. The deadline to submit a question is Oct. 16.
History of Sustainability in Higher Education Survey
Researchers from the University of Michigan, University of Wyoming and Mount Holyoke College invite responses to a survey that seeks to explore the perceptions of the history of sustainability in U.S. higher education. The survey is anonymous. Participants may choose to enter a raffle to win one of four $25 cash prizes. The survey will close on Oct. 30.
Call for Student Delegates for Mock COP26
Organizers aim to get 3-5 young delegates from every country, with a focus on the Global South, to conduct the Mock COP26, happening from Nov. 19 through Dec. 1. Discussions over the two-week event will be framed around five conference themes: climate justice; education; health and mental health; green jobs; and carbon reduction targets. The event will culminate in a conference statement to world leaders from the youth of the world. Young climate activists are encouraged to apply to be a delegate.
NexGenLead is a free, three-week virtual program that aims to connect students in community to a dialogue on leadership and sustainability, while learning about and practicing responsible leadership competencies and taking ownership of their education. Organized by oikos International and swissnex Brazil, the program runs from Oct. 31 through Nov. 21.
New Resources
‘To Know the World: A New Vision for Environmental Learning’
This new book by Mitchell Thomashow makes the case for why environmental learning is crucial for understanding the connected challenges of climate justice, tribalism, inequity, democracy and human flourishing.
Faculty Collaboration in Land Conservation Initiatives
Oct. 14, 2020 (12:30 p.m. Eastern) – Academics for Land Protection in New England (ALPINE)
AASHE Webinar: Developing University-Initiated Offsets and Using Peer Verification
Oct. 14, 2020 (3:00 p.m. Eastern) – Online
Climate Justice = Social Justice Live Panel Discussion with Young Leaders
Oct. 14, 2020 (3:00 p.m. Eastern) – Online
AASHE Global Conference on Sustainability in Higher Education
Oct. 20, 2020 – Oct. 22, 2020 – Online
AASHE Webinar: HEIs: Partners in Social & Economic Community Resilience
Oct. 28, 2020 (3:00 p.m. Eastern) – Online
Midwest Climate Summit: Session 4
Nov. 6, 2020 (10:00 a.m. – Noon Central) – Online
Turning Ideas Into Action With Acceleration Fund Support
Nov. 12, 2020 (2:30 p.m. Eastern) – Online
Visit the Sustainability Events Calendar
Jobs & Internships
Pontarelli Professorship in Environmental Sustainability & Finance
Syracuse University
Civil & Sustainability Engineering Assistant Professor
Murray State U
Assistant Professor of Environmental Engineering & Sustainable Development
Angelo State University
The Bulletin is a weekly e-newsletter delivering the latest in campus sustainability news, resources, opportunities, events, and jobs and internships.
Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education
2401 Walnut Street, Suite 102
Philadelphia, PA 19103
888-347-9997 | bulletin@aashe.org
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