A Force To Be Reckoned With Part 1: COVID-19 and Vermont’s Changing Food System
Thursday, September 10, 2020 – 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Online Webinar
Vermont’s food system is critical to our economy, state identity, and quality of life, with over 64,000 Vermonters employed by farms and food related businesses. The arrival of COVID-19 rattled the food system, amplifying weaknesses in our globalized food system while inspiring Vermonters to creatively build new tools for community food security. This discussion will focus on the impact COVID-19 has had on Vermont’s food system, assess disparities in this system, and identify lessons we take forward for a more prepared and resilient food system in the future.
Anore Horton, Executive Director of Hunger Free Vermont
Brittany Sperber, Operations Manager for ShiftMeals & The Skinny Pancake
Grace Oedel, Executive Director of NOFA-Vermont
Facilitated by:
Jean Hamilton, Executive Director of ShiftMeals

Outdoor Yoga with Sangha Studio
Thursday, September 10, 2020 – 5:30pm to 6:45pm
Waterfront Park (map)
Join City Market and Sangha Studio for a slow flow yoga practice to end the day. Enjoy evening views of Lake Champlain as you wind down your day through gentle, flowing movement and stretching. All levels welcome. BYO yoga mat. Face coverings will be required upon arriving to class and can be removed once you are on your mat.
$10 City Market Members, $25 Non-Members

A Force To Be Reckoned
With Part 2: The Future of
Farming is Femme
Thursday, September 17, 2020 – 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Online Webinar
Womxn are the fastest growing group of new farmers. This panel pushes us to set aside stereotypes and honor the emerging energy of femme earth tenders, activists, and organizers. These incredible womxn will examine gender based disparities in Vermont’s food system, and envision a supportive community that values womxn, provides mentorship, and continues to engage future generations of femme farmers.
Hannah Baxter,Intervale Center
Corie Pierce, Bread and Butter Farm.
Susie Walsh Daloz, Vermont Youth Conservation Corps.
Representative from Susu Healing Collective

Outdoor Yoga with Sangha Studio
Monday, September 21, 2020 – 8:30am to 9:30am
Waterfront Park (map)
Join City Market and Sangha Studio for a slow flow yoga practice to end the day. Enjoy evening views of Lake Champlain as you wind down your day through gentle, flowing movement and stretching. All levels welcome. BYO yoga mat. Face coverings will be required upon arriving to class and can be removed once you are on your mat.
$10 City Market Members, $25 Non-Members

A Force To Be Reckoned
With Part 3: Grassroots Organizing as a Form of Local Resiliency
Thursday, September 24, 2020 – 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Online Webinar
Strong communities are resilient communities, able to support those in need through troubling times. This panel highlights grassroots organizers who are strengthening their communities’ ability to address and repair systemic inequities, rising food insecurity, and other vulnerabilities that have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. These womxn discuss the power of grassroots organizing, strategy adaptations to the current situation, and envision what strong communities can look like in Vermont.
Carolina Lukac, Vermont Community Garden Network
Cat Buxton, Rural Vermont
Sara Jean Whelan, Slow Food Vermont
Liv Peña, Vermont Releaf Collective
Representative from Food Not Bombs

Pick & Design Your Own Market Bouquet with June Farm
Thursday, September 24, 2020 – 5:30pm to 7:00pm
June Farm at the Intervale Center (map)

Come down to June Farm in the Intervale to learn how to make your own handpicked market bouquet. We’ll give you a rundown of the best ingredients to use including foliage, supporting foliage, textual ingredients, filler flowers, focal flowers, and airy accents, then give you a list to harvest. We will then learn how to put this together with wrapping supplies to make a foolproof hand-tied market bouquet that you’ll then be able to bring home and enjoy!
June Farm is a two-acre cut flower farm located on the Intervale in Burlington, VT. You can find our flowers at the Burlington Farmers’ Market, local grocery stores/farm stands, & small businesses. We offer a flower CSA & sell wholesale to florists/designers.
$10 City Market Members, $25 Non-Members

A Force To Be Reckoned
With Part 4: Vermont’s New Wave of Agriculture: Womxn in Hemp & Cannabis
Thursday, October 1, 2020 – 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Online Webinar
This panel will focus on the experience of womxn and femmes within the booming hemp and cannabis industry. We will dive into the inner workings of what it means to be a femme farmer growing hemp and cannabis in Vermont with an emphasis on the challenges that they face, the crucial need for racially conscious structural change, and how this industry can sustainably strengthen Vermont’s working landscape.
Harmony Edosomwan
Monica Donovan, Heady Vermont
Jessilyn Dolan, VT American Nurses Association/ Nurse Grown Organics
Laura Sullivan, Pipe Dreams Hempworks

A Force To Be Reckoned
With Part 5: Impactful Structural Change, Land Sovereignty,
and Reparations
Thursday, October 8, 2020 – 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Online Webinar
In this panel we explore the different approaches to building land sovereignty in Vermont. Because access to land is central to identity, culture, food production, and wealth creation, land theft has long been a tool of oppression against marginalized communities. These leaders are building alternative land-access models to strengthen their communities, increase local food security, right past wrongs, and bring lasting change to the state of Vermont.
Tracy Zschau, Vermont Land Trust
Akua Deirdre Smith, Black Land Power Network

Urban Herbal Medicine Walk
with Katherine Elmer
Thursday, October 8, 2020 – 5:30pm to 6:30pm
South End Children’s Garden (map)
Consuming plants as food and medicine is an excellent way to deepen your relationship to the natural environment while nourishing yourself and preventing disease. Join community herbalist and co-founder of Railyard Apothecary, Katherine Elmer, to explore common medicinal weeds growing in backyards and urban spaces. Safe harvesting of plants from urban areas will also be discussed. You might come away with a newfound appreciation for those “nuisance weeds”! Katherine teaches and practices as a clinical herbalist at Spoonful Herbals, the University of Vermont Program in Integrative Health, the Burlington Herb Clinic and the Railyard Apothecary.

A Force To Be Reckoned
With Part 6: BIPOC Womxn and Femmes: Navigating Vermont’s Food System
Thursday, October 15, 2020 – 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Online Webinar
The purpose of this panel is to support, celebrate, and reflect on the contributions of BIPOC womxn and femmes in Vermont’s food system. Together we explore their experiences as business owners, earth tenders, healers, faces of organizations, and advocates. Additionally, we aim to build community, honor the dynamic spaces that these folx are creating specifically for marginalized Vermonters, and unpack the inequities that exist at the crossroads between race and gender within Vermont’s food system.
Candace Taylor, Conscious Homestead
Akua Deirdre Smith, Black Land Power Network
Liv Peña, Vermont Releaf Collective
Representative from Susu Healing Collective

Check out more upcoming classes and events on our website.
Copyright © 2020 City Market Onion River Co-op. All rights reserved.
Store Locations
Downtown Location
82 S. Winooski Ave.
Burlington, VT | 05401 US
South End Location
207 Flynn Ave
Burlington, VT | 05401 US