Champlain College CCM Building – Burlington 2030 District PEP Update

As members of the Burlington 2030 District, we have the benefit of receiving a Property Energy Plan for one of our buildings. In June 2020, we received a PEP updatefor Champlain College’s CCM building. This report shows how the building’s energy use has changed since the original 2017 PEP, highlights strengths of the building, and provides recommendations for further decreasing the building’s energy use.

This property is using 4% less energy than the original 2017 benchmark (not weather normalized), and has nearly reached the Burlington 2030 District goal for existing Education buildings. Please note that the geothermal pumping energy is attributed to this building, but that neither this report nor the original 2017 PEP include that energy use. This pumping energy does attribute the building’s EUI, and will be added if/when the data are available.