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Opportunities |
Online Sustainability Across the Curriculum Workshop |
This online workshop, happening from Oct. 15 through Nov. 18, is designed for higher education instructors wishing to infuse sustainability (ecological stability, social equity, and economic vitality) into their curriculum regardless of the discipline by identifying areas of sustainability intersection. Effective assessment of critical thinking skills, collaboration, creativity, and the ability to analyze, discuss and create solutions to real-world sustainability problems will be explored. Moraine Valley Community College is one of 13 regional AASHE Centers for Sustainability Across the Curriculum. The deadline to register is Oct. 14.
Course Design for Faculty Inspiring a New Generation of Sustainability Leaders |
This workshop, hosted by the University of South Carolina, will explore how educators can utilize their unique role to inspire, inform and train today’s students to become tomorrow’s sustainability champions. Intended to support faculty of all disciplines and all levels of familiarity with sustainability, the workshop will provide exciting hands-on activities, case studies and examples of how developing sustainability curriculum can transform challenges faced by today’s environment, local economies and society. The registration deadline is Oct. 12. The University of South Carolina is a regional AASHE Center for Sustainability Across the Curriculum.
Students for Zero Waste Travel Scholarship |
Eligible students can apply for a scholarship, up to $400, to attend the Students for Zero Waste Conference, happening in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from Nov. 2-3, 2018. Preference will be given to groups of people who are sharing a ride, traveling far distances and/or presenting workshops. The deadline to apply is Oct. 12.
Call for Contributions: Encyclopedia of the Sustainable Development Goals |
The Encyclopedia of the Sustainable Development Goals: Transforming the World We Want will be published by Springer as part of the World Sustainability Series. It will contain a volume on each one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Each SDG will have 100 terms associated with it. Contributing authors will be assigned one term from the selected SDG. Interested scholars need to submit an expression of interest that includes the SDG toward which they want to contribute.
Energy Efficiency Retrofit Implementation in Buildings Survey |
As part of the dissertation of Lysandra Amanta Medal, a Ph.D. student in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Washington, this survey aims to collect information about decision processes related to prioritizing building energy-efficiency retrofit projects. Participants can be those that manage the building operations and maintenance, participate in selecting energy-efficiency or other building upgrades, or provide services to help organizations make energy-efficiency or other building upgrades. Participants may choose to be entered in a drawing to win one of 15 Starbucks gift cards (valued at $20). The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.
Recyclemania 2019 |
RecycleMania is a friendly competition dedicated to improving recycling and waste reduction efforts at colleges and universities. For eight weeks each spring, hundreds of schools across the country rally the campus to recycle, compost and reduce waste in an effort to beat rival campuses.
AASHE Member Discount: Discount on Climate Change & Health Certificate |
Students, staff and faculty at AASHE member institutions are eligible for a 10 percent discount off an 18-week online certificate through Yale University’s School of Public Health that teaches about tools to address the health impacts of climate change.
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New Resources |
New Issue: International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education |
The latest issue of Volume 19 includes a study on university residence hall plastics recycling, a study concluding that teaching about public engagement in the classroom is critical, research on reducing food waste in buffet-style university dining halls, and a literature review on student-led action for sustainability in higher education.
New Website: People of Color in Environmental and Climate Justice |
The People of Color (POC) Environmental Justice and Climate Justice Resource Persons Database is a repository for potential speakers, advisory board members, fellowship recipients, technical assistance providers and staff members. The site also allows for people to sign up to be added to the databases–environmental and climate justice professionals, graphic notetakers, and anti-oppression, diversity, equity and inclusion professionals.
Green Guy Podcast: Achieving STARS Platinum |
The co-chair of Colorado State University’s President’s Sustainability Commission, Tonie Miaymoto, talks about how CSU was the first higher education institution to achieve the Platinum rating in STARS.
Campus Food Pantries: Insights From a National Survey |
This report demonstrates that significant financial, physical and personnel resources are being invested in campus pantries. The College and University Food Bank Alliance members who participated in this survey helped to shed light on the work involved in operating pantries and offered valuable insight into how to improve them. The College and University Food Bank Alliance provides support, training and resources to campus-based food banks and pantries and other food-insecurity initiatives that primarily serve students.
A Global Snapshot of Circular Economy Learning Offerings in Higher Education |
Research from Tim Forslund, Ellen MacArthur Foundation Research Analyst, captures current circular economy learning offerings from 136 higher education institutions, taught in the languages of English, Dutch, Finnish and Chinese. The work shows that most of the learning offerings are found in the space of more traditional sustainability-related studies, engineering, business and design.