Courtesy of VBSR
September 27, 20171:00-2:30 PM
Vermont’s reputation as a green state is threatened with continuing news of dangerous lake algae blooms, sewer overflows into our rivers, and toxic run-off from poorly planned development and agriculture.Cleaning up our vital lakes and rivers is not a burden – this is an opportunity for Vermont to invest in a clean water economy that strengthens the environment and creates good-paying, local jobs.Featuring:Rep. David Deen, Chair,House Natural Resources, Fish, and Wildlife CommitteeJen Kimmich, Co-founder of The AlchemistJames Ehlers, Executive Director Lake Champlain InternationalBarry Lampke, Project Manager, Voices for the Lake
Save the Date!Upcoming VBSR Events9/27 Investing in a Clean Water Economy (Burlington)10/4 Socially Responsible Business Advocacy 101(Burlington)10/26 VBSR Networking Get-Together Hosted by Black River Produce (Springfield)11/7 Creating Irresistible Companies (Killington)
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Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility