We Could Use Your Help to Plan This Year’s Rally for the Planet! – Dec. 4th

Hello to All Youth Activists and Youth Advocates,

In these challenging times, we need a youth-focused climate change movement now, more than ever.  Please consider helping us build this movement and plan our next day of action.  Even though the rally is five months away, we need to start planning now if we are going to have a real impact.  Please join the Youth Lobby Planning Coalition and share your ideas with us at our next planning meeting (details below)



We had our first planning coalition meeting on Sunday, November 13th at the Montpelier High School library.  There were representatives from five Vermont schools and many new members were in attendance.  We had a lengthy conversation about the best date and it was decided that the date for the 2017 Youth Rally for the Planet will be on Tuesday, April 11th.  We then began to brainstorm many ways we can make this year’s event bigger and better than ever.

Our second planning meeting will take place on Sunday, December 4th from 3-5pm – the location is yet to be determined, but it will either be in Waterbury or a Chittenden County location.

This meeting will be one of the most important meetings of the planning season.  We will be working on a process to clarify our goals for the year and we will begin to develop concrete action steps we will need to accomplish to ensure our movement has an impact this year.

Please mark this event in your calendar and do everything you can to make it.  Also, we ask that each of you do whatever you can to bring new members into the fold.  Let us know if you have any questions or suggestions.

Please email us back to let us know if you will be attending our next meeting.

Thanks in advance. Yours in solidarity,

Matt Henchen

Civics and History Educator

Harwood Union High School

History Blog – https://newschoolcivics.com/

Youth Advocate – Vermont Youth Lobby