FREE PJC Events with sign-up info
New Volunteer Orientationwith Fair Trade vs Free Trade Presentation. Saturday, September 10, 3-4pm. Learn about the history and current programs of the PJC and how you can use your skills and interests to help. Email or call (802) 863-2345 X9 for more information.
Building Empathy to Address Racial Oppression Tuesdays, September 13, 20, & 27, 6:30-8:30pm, Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier. Led by Alyssa Chen and Julie Drogin.Sign-up here or call (802) 863-2345 X6.
Saturday, September 24, 10am – 3pm, Manchester Community Library, Manchester. Sign up here or call (802) 863-2345 X6.
Building Empathy and Addressing Racism
Mondays October 3, 10, & 17,6:45-8:45pm, Sterling College, Simpson 3, Craftsbury Common. Led by Alyssa Chen and Rachel Wilson. Sign up here or call (802) 863-2345 X6.
Saturdays, October 15, 22 and 29, 3-5:00. PJC. Discussion group facilitated by Traci Griffith and Rachel Siegel. Sign up here or call (802) 863-2345 X6.
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Center Hours
Monday-Friday: 10am-6pm
Store Hours
Monday-Thursday: 10am-6pm
Friday &Saturday: 10am-7pm
Sunday: 9am-4pm
60 Lake Street, Suite 1C
Burlington’s Waterfront.
My Experience at the PJC’s Racial Justice Workshop
by Sophia Abdul Sater, Racial Justice and Peacework Summer Intern
I am Sophia from Middlebury, Vermont and a junior at Ithaca College. Before my internship started, I was asked to attend a Building Empathy and Addressing Racial Oppression workshop in Essex. I went in expecting it to be a lecture style class, where they would give us information, we would fill out worksheets and have a couple discussions, however it didn’t turn out to be that way.
continue reading here
World Social Forum in Montreal
By Kristen Connors, PJC Volunteer Coordinator
August 9-14th I had the privilege to attend the 15th World Social Forum (WSF) in Montreal with 10s of thousands of other people. The WSF is the largest gathering of civil society organizations and activists in the world, with the goal to “build a sustainable and inclusive world, where every person and every people has its place and can makes its voice heard.” This was the first time the WSF has ever been held in a country in the global North. This presented some challenges, including the fact that between 200 and 300 visas had been denied by the Canadian government for potential forum attendees. I had over 1,000 difference self-organized workshops to choose from, as well as a variety of convergence assemblies and grand forums in the evening. Prominent attendees at WSF 2016 included Naomi Klein and Bertita Caceres, daughter of Berta Caceres who was an indigenous and environmental rights activist who was brutally murdered in Honduras earlier this year.
The F35 fight is far from over
By Rosanne Greco for the Stop the F35 Coalition
I hate using militaristic terms like “fighting” ” battling” “battles” and “wars.” But since we ARE talking about the MILITARY basing a WEAPON SYSTEM in our midst, and the F-35 is literally a KILLING MACHINE; I think the terminology is appropriate. I assure you that the fight is far from over. The only way we will lose is if we stop fighting. We have lost many battles, but we can win the war.
Protect Geprags Park Benefit Sept 9
- 6pm Join the Fight for Fifteen! A Vermont coalition wants to move Vermont minimum wage to $15 per hour. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington. Contact Charles Winkleman for more information.
Thursday September 1
- 6pm ACTION or SILENCE? Policing in a Culturally Diverse Community and A Vision for 21st Century Policing. Panel presentation with local Police Chiefs and State Attorney TJ Donovan. City Hall, Burlington. Presented by Greater Burl Multicultural Resource Ctr.
Monday September 5
Wednesday, September 7
- 6:30-8pm A “Syrian Refugees Welcome” Resolution in Burlington? Regardless of whether we receive Syrian refugees, Amnesty International USA’s Vermont leadership has asked the Burlington City Council to consider a symbolic resolution welcoming them. Come to an informational/discussion event at the Fletcher Free Library to learn more, discuss hopes and concerns, and more! Sign up here.
- 7pm Racism and the Culture of Policing. Nekima Levy-Pounds, Keynote. Burlington Police Chief Brandon del Pozo, respondent. Dr. Nekima Levy-Pounds is a civil rights attorney and nationally recognized expert on issues at the intersections of race, public policy, economic justice, public education, juvenile justice, and the criminal justice system. She is the President of the Minneapolis NAACP and an advisor to Black Lives Matter Minneapolis. Saint Michael’s McCarthy Arts Center.
Thursday, September 8
- 5:30-7:30pm The Women’s International League of Peace and Freedom meeting at PJC. All are welcome to attend. More info: Robin Lloyd 862-4929.
- 7pm African History is Everybody’s History. Dr. Runoko Rashidi is an anthropologist and historian with a major focus on the Global African Presence. Sponsored by St Michael’s College’s Center for Multicultural Affairs & Services and Martin Luther King Jr. Society. McCarthy Recital Hall, SMC. More info:Moise St Louis.
Monday, September 12
- 6-8pm Vermonters for a Just Peace in Palestine/Israel meeting at PJC.
Please tell us about other community events in Vermont. If they are mission-aligned, we are happy to list them in our google calendar and in this publication. Please email us.