City Market events & classes – February

We ♥ Local Parsnips Recipe Contest
Monday, February 1, 2016 (All day) to Sunday, February 14, 2016 (All day)
Online (map)
We’re all about celebrating the under-appreciated parsnip this winter, and what better way than to challenge you to a local parsnip recipe contest?
Get creative with this hearty, understated root vegetable and you could win fabulous prizes!
Enter your recipe (savory or sweet – time to get creative!) online betweenFebruary 1-14 for your chance to win.  The top 3 recipes will be sampled and voted on by the public in the store on Friday, March 4 and at the Burlington Winter Farmers’ Market on March 5.



Free Herbal Consultations

Monday, February 1, 8 & 15, 2016 – 4:00pm to 8:00pm
City Market (map)
Herbal Education

Have you ever been interested in using herbal medicine to improve your health? Join Betzy Bancroft RH (AHG), Larken Bunce MS, and Guido Masé RH (AHG) and students from the Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism in a free, personalized session focused on your individual constitution and any health conditions you may be experiencing. An incredible opportunity to explore the art of herbal healing with experienced practitioners! All sessions last about two hours and are completely confidential. By appointment. Please sign up by contacting Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism at


Love & Chocolate:
A Sensory Culinary Adventure

Monday, February 1, 2016 – 6:00pm to 8:00pm
McClure Multigenerational Center (map)
Food Education

In this hands-on workshop, we’ll combine the deliciousness of chocolate with the magic of herbs and spices for an aphrodisiac adventure not to be missed! This class will be taught by Jessica LaBrie, an herbalist and owner of Blackbird’s Daughter Botanicals. Participants will enjoy the hands-on process of making chocolate products and be delighted with their own custom recipes.

$5 City Market Members, $10 non-members



Eating & Cooking with Crickets

Thursday, February 4, 20165:30pm to 7:30pm
McClure Multigenerational Center (map)
Food Education

Looking for another source of sustainable, responsible, and healthful protein that fits in with your food lifestyle? The answer may be right in front of you—and smaller than you think! Jen and Steve Swanson, of Tomorrow’s Harvest Cricket Farm in Williston, VT, are here to share a new kind of eating experience with you. We will make delicious cookies with protein-packed cricket flour and try whole roasted crickets for those feeling more adventurous.  Join us for an engaging discussion about food rules and ways to rethink the future of our palate while we cook, eat, and try something new!

$5 City Market Members, $10 non-members



Pennywise Pantry

Friday, February 5, 20169:30am to 10:30am
City Market (map)
Pennywise Pantry

With this interactive and hands-on tour, participants will learn how to shop for affordable, fresh, long-lasting, and nutritious foods at City Market. We will begin by exploring the Produce and Bulk departments, learning a simple method for finding the best value on fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans by paying attention to the price per pound. Then we will enter the Grocery aisles and Perishables coolers, to learn to become savvy label readers as we shop for nourishing, long-lasting foods that contain 5 ingredients or fewer. No matter what kind of diet you follow, these pennywise tools will help you stock your kitchen with variety of healthy, local, and even organic foods and develop a better understanding of Co-op sales.

If the date and time above don’t work for your schedule, or if you would feel more comfortable with a one-on-one individualized tour, please contact our Outreach and Education Coordinator, Meredith Knowles, or 802-861-9757.




Brew Methods Workshop
and Roastery Tour

Saturday, February 6, 201610:00am to 11:30am
Brio Coffeeworks (map)
Food Education

City Market has partnered with Brio Coffeeworks to offer a special line of coffee exclusively available at City Market. Included in the City Market blends are a dark, medium, light roast and decaf.  The beans are sourced from fair trade farms and roasted locally at Brio Coffeeworks’ facility on Pine Street. Come tour the coffee facility run by Nate and Magda Van Dusen and learn from them about the roasting process and the various methods of brewing coffee at home. Tyler Van Liew, Coffee Educator, will demonstrate various brew methods including a French press, chemex, pour-over, full-immersion brewers, aeropress, and espresso.

$5 City Market Members, $10 non-members


Winter Farmers’ Market:
Make Your Own Trail Mix

Saturday, February 6, 201610:00am to 2:00pm
Memorial Auditorium (map)
Burlington Farmers Market

The Burlington Farmers’ Market goes indoors from November through April and features seasonal meats, produce, and handmade crafts from
dozens of local producers. Once a month, stop by our activity table for fun, hands-on activities for all ages. This month our activity is all about making your own trail mix from bulk ingredients!


A Mosaic of Flavor: Cuban Black Bean Soup & White Sweet Potato Pudding

Tuesday, February 9, 20165:30pm to 7:30pm
McClure Multigenerational Center (map)
Mosaic of Flavor

This monthly series is a collaboration with the Vermont Refugee Resettlement Program. In February, we will be preparing two traditional dishes from Cuba. We will learn to make a rich black bean soup with onions, garlic, green peppers and spices and a delicious white sweet potato pudding seasoned with honey, lemon peel and cinnamon. Eloy Guzman came to the U.S. from Cuba in 1980. Eloy has a Master’s in Education and has over 30 years of teaching experience as a high school Spanish teacher, including two years in the Peace Corps in Nepal. Eloy learned his love for cooking from his grandmother, who came to Cuba from Haiti. Eloy grew up in the Cuban countryside where everything was naturally organic and he enjoys cooking with Vermont’s fresh, organic produce. He is excited to share his grandmother’s recipe for black bean soup, which his friends request all the time and say is the best bean soup they have tasted.

$5 City Market Members, $10 non-members



Magnificent Microbes, Healthy Guts

Wednesday, February 17, 20166:00pm to 7:00pm
City Market (map)
Food Education

Join local ancestral food and health enthusiast Eric Garza for a workshop on the role that microbes play in our gut health. Eric will discuss cutting edge research linking gut microbe diversity with chronic ailments like obesity and neurodegenerative conditions. He will also talk about key foods we can add to our diets to feed and increase the prevalence of particular microbes known to enhance gut health and will note foods that increase the prevalence of gut bugs known to contribute to poor gut health. Samples will be provided as well as recipes to try at home!

$5 City Market Members, $10 non-members


Cooking Fundamentals:
Mastering the Mother Sauces

Monday, February 29, 20165:30pm to 7:30pm
McClure Multigenerational Center (map)
Food Education

It’s back to the basics and we’re going in depth to the world of sauces. Paul Link, Assistant Prepared Foods Manager at City Market, received his culinary training at the New England Culinary Institute and once again brings his wealth of knowledge to the table with this hands-on workshop. Participants will leave confident in their skills to create perfect sauces at home.

$5 City Market Members, $10 non-members
