Category Archives: Energy

UVM Smart Grid Seminar Series: Andy Walker – High Penetration of Renewable Energy: Challenges and Solutions, 3/18 4pm

Title: High Penetration of Renewable Energy: Challenges and Solutions Speaker: Andy Walker, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Description: The renewable energy (RE) industry has had much success installing RE systems under net metering policies and benefiting from generous incentives from utilities and tax credits since 2005. Electricity from renewable energy resources grew to nearly 171 […]

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Internship Postings: Vermont Energy Investment Corporation

The following are internship postings from VEIC: VEIC is going further—faster. Be part of the solution. Our mission and core values guide our staff toward innovation and results that go beyond the here and now. We are solving complex issues with global impact. Are you up for the challenge? For three years running, VEIC […]

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Announcing the Winner of the 2015 Kill-A-Watt Challenge

The winner of the 2015 Kill-A-Watt Challenge is: North House! North House racked up their scores by a combination of energy savings (over 19% reduction!) and event participation. So now, North House residents, it is up to you to plan how you want to spend your winnings! Three cheers to our top energy savers*: North […]

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How YOU can use the Green Revolving Fund – Proposal deadline is March 16, 2015

What is the GRF?  Primarily a fund that supports energy efficiency projects here on campus, BUT also has a portion available for projects proposed by Champlain College community members. The GRF aims to fund projects that: Promote awareness and understanding of sustainability in education, campus culture and behavior Directly or indirectly reduce Champlain’s environmental impact […]

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Burlington Electric Department highlighted on PBS NewsHour

National Coverage for Burlington Electric Department COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR, COMMUNICATIONS@BURLINGTONELECTRIC.COM, BURLINGTON ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT, BURLINGTON We have had yet another dynamite national story on BED’s sourcing of 100% renewable power. The story on PBS NewsHour featured one of our customers, Steve Conant of Conant Metal & Light, the Director of the Gund Institute at UVM, Dr. Taylor […]

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Leading For Change by Eco-Rep Assadullah Akhlaqi ’16

Leading For Change On Saturday, February 7, 2015, I went to the Student Leadership Conference held at Lyndon State College in Lyndonville, Vermont. The Student Leadership Conference was hosted by students at Lyndon State College to “build bridges and foster connections between students, faculty, and staff members at institutions of higher education across the state […]

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Smart Grid Seminar: Science and Policy Innovations for a Low-Carbon Economy

Speaker: Daniel Kammen Description: How can we as a society achieve a low-carbon economy? Reducing greenhouse gases to abate climate change is a monumental undertaking, one that requires an aggressive mixture of science, technology, and policy. In this lecture, Dr. Kammen will explore and critique a number of ‘high impact’ innovations that are specifically needed […]

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