Category Archives: Announcements

Announcing the winners of the 2013 Kill-A-Watt Challenge!

The winner of the 2013 Kill-A-Watt Challenge is:  HILL HALL!

Hill was engaged and it seems like their efforts really paid off.  A combination of a whopping 53% energy savings, in-house RA events, and folks coming to a movie night, Hill racked up their points.  So now, Hill residents, it is up to you to plan how you want to spend your $500 winnings!

Three cheers to our top energy savers*:

  • Cushing Hall (54%)
  • Hill Hall (53%)
  • Main Street Suites (23%)

*figures were based comparing KwH usage per day, per person between February 2013 and February 2012.

Three cheers to our top participation point earners:

  • Hill Hall (82)
  • Lakeview (26)
  • 396 Main Street (24)

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Champlain College Event Center: Summer Waste Reduction Coordinator–Deadline April 26th

Seeking student for part-time summer position with the Champlain College Event Center: Summer Waste Reduction Coordinator Job description: To reduce waste at Champlain College through education, outreach, and infrastructural means. The Coordinator will achieve this goal by working in conjunction with the Sustainability Director and Event Center staff. Primary Duties:  Maintain and improve current recycling and […]

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Paper Usage Survey!

Champlain is interested in gathering information related to programming and paper used for marketing programs on campus. Please take this quick survey. Thanks!

Your input requested: Coke, Pepsi, Bottled Water???

Champlain College currently contracts with Coca Cola for all campus beverages (including beverage vending machines, the Caf, Jazzman’s and Bookstore) and that 10-year contract ends in June 2013. We are taking this as an opportunity to survey the campus community on their preferences for beverages on campus. Please take 2 minutes and complete this very […]

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Branch Out Burlington Tree Sale!

For the sixth year in a row, Branch Out Burlington is offering  bare-root trees for $45.00 each. Trees are 6 feet and   branched. These  trees have sold out for the past five years. Please order early! Trees must be picked up at The UVM Horticulture Farm during the Annual  Burlington Community Tree Nursery Planting, which […]

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Bicycle Transportation Survey

A student from University of Colorado is undertaking a study on bicycle transportation.  She’s raffling off gift cards to those who participate.  See below! Here is the survey link: She’d love to answer any questions you may have about this process. Feel free to call or email her if you have any questions about […]

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Attention Gardeners!

Gardener’s Supply sent us five tickets for their spring Garden Seminar Series, and we still have one left. Available on a first come, first serve basis (one per person).  Let Christina Erickson know if you’d like one!