Category Archives: Announcements

Grant Opportunity for Students in New England – Application Deadline – May 15, 2013

New England Campus Sustainability Forum - 2013

The 2013 New England Campus Sustainability Forum is pleased to announce a competition for funding to support student initiatives for campus sustainability. Mini-grants (up to $1000 for each project) are available to student-run groups at colleges and universities in the New England region. Student groups at under-resourced institutions (URIs), minority-serving institutions (MSIs), and ACUPCC signatory institutions are strong encouraged to apply. Continue reading

Call for Proposals: Sequestering Tradition?: A Cultural Sustainability Symposium

Call for Proposals
Sequestering Tradition?: A Cultural Sustainability Symposium
August 15-18, 2013 ~ Sterling College, Craftsbury Common, Vermont

This Symposium grows out of the premise that “cultural vitality is as essential to a healthy and sustainable society as social equity, environmental responsibility and economic viability,” as articulated by Jon Hawkes in The Fourth Pillar of Sustainability: Culture’s Essential Role in Public Planning.

We view “cultural vitality” as the diverse, thriving practices and beliefs that undergird social systems and make human action meaningful. Just as environmental sustainability recognizes the critical role of ecological diversity to the survival of our planet, cultural sustainability recognizes the critical role of cultural diversity to the health and well-being of our “cultural ecosystems.” Cultural sustainability provides a framework for discussing tradition as a dynamic cultural process, one that empowers people to make intentional decisions about their communities. Continue reading

Intervale Food Hub – Announcing our 2013 Fall Semester College Share! SIGN UP & SPREAD THE WORD!

Announcing the Intervale Food Hub 2013 Fall Semester College Local Food Share! We are excited to continue partnering with the University of Vermont, Saint Michael’s College and Champlain College to provide students and faculty with convenient access to healthy, local food. We invite students to become a member and join us for our 2013 College Fall Semester Share. […]

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New books in the Champlain Library

This month our display theme is the environment, just in time for Earth Day. There is plenty of food for thought here with titles on the natural landscape, practical ideas for living green, urban agriculture, and the pitfalls of consuming too much “stuff”.  Read more here:

Champlain College is in The Princeton Review’s Guide to 322 Green Colleges: 2013 Edition!



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Champlain College is one of the 322 most environmentally responsible colleges in the U.S. and Canada, according to The Princeton Review ( The education services company known for its test prep programs and college rankings, ratings and guidebooks, profiles Champlain College in the fourth annual edition of its free downloadable book, “The Princeton Review’s Guide to 322 Green Colleges.”

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Join the VT Bike Challenge!

Vermont Bike Challenge , May 1 To September 30, 2013 Challenge yourself, challenge your friends.  Get on your bike and win great prizes! REGISTER TODAY! VISIT WWW.NATIONALBIKECHALLENGE.ORG AND CLICK “JOIN.” NOTE:  This link takes you to the National Bike Challenge, the parent event of the Vermont Bike Challenge. After you enter your information, you will be taken to the […]

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May 1 to September 30, 2013

Before we get into the details, though, let’s do a little victory dance.  In case you didn’t hear:  Vermont WON the National Bike Challenge in 2012!  We had more points per capita than any other state.  And with your help, we’ll do it again this year!


1.  Since Champlain College is already registered as a participating workplace in the Challenge, you do NOT need to re-register your company.  Champlain College will automatically show up in the drop-down menu when your employees sign up for the Challenge, and all their points will automatically count for your company.

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