Category Archives: Announcements

Trash Bash 2013 Results

Most people do not know that trash is nearly FOUR TIMES more expensive than recycling.  It is also TWO TIMES more expensive than composting.  So why not compost and recycle the rightful items in our multitude of wonderful waste receptacles around campus?  Our goal is that our trash is 100% TRASH.  Not compost, not recycling, but all trash so that all other waste can be put in the appropriate containers. Continue reading

Burlington was just recognized as a ‘Silver Level’ Walk Friendly Community! See the press release below

Oct. 29, 2013 Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center names eight new Walk Friendly Communities CHAPEL HILL, NC — The Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC) is excited to announce eight new Walk Friendly Communities. The “Walk Friendly” title means a city or town is being recognized for its success in working to improve a wide range of […]

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Call for Speakers – Vermont Organics Summit, April 3, 2014

Call for Speakers and Presentations 8th Annual Vermont Organics Recycling Summit (VORS) Thursday, April 3, 2014 Vermont Technical College, Randolph Center, Vermont Submission Deadline: Friday, November 22, 2013 This is an invitation to composting & recycling professionals; researchers and educators; government officials and planners; community & business leaders; consultants, contractors, developers and others to submit […]

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Champlain College won the Universities and Colleges Category for the Fall 2013 Way to Go! Challenge

A recent note from the Way to Go commuter challenge organizers: Congratulations! We are pleased to announce that Champlain College won the Universities and Colleges Category for the Fall 2013 Way to Go! Challenge!!  You led the pack with 8% participation and 2,754 pounds of carbon saved! Way to go, Champlain!  Let’s keep it up […]

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Green Team Helpers Needed for October 26th Open House

Help our community and visitors sort out their waste into the proper compost, recycling, and/or trash bins.  No experience necessary. We’ll teach you what you need to know. Get a nifty t-shirt and good karma in exchange. Sign up here:

Good news! We are saving $, using less paper, and using more recycled content paper.

Each year we step back and look at our copy paper usage – just one of many metrics that we monitor. Last year (Fiscal Year 2013), thanks to the combined efforts of a) shifting from desk top printers to combined, multifunction devices, b) purchasing preferred recycled content copy paper, and c) faculty/student usage of Angel […]

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