Category Archives: Announcements

Sustain Champlain – Fall Semester Accomplishments

Fall 2014 has been yet another busy semester full of activity. Over this semester we’ve had 5 committees working on implementing various components of the Sustainability Action Plan, with over 35 active student, staff, & faculty members participating. In addition, we have 16 student Eco-Reps + 1 Eco-Rep Captain working in the residence halls, 3 work study students and one intern. It’s been great! A huge thank you to all for all your contributions.

Here’s a brief synopsis of what the committees and Eco-Reps have been working on: Continue reading

Now Accepting Applications for two positions for Spring 2015 Eco-Reps. Seeking applicants from Valcour, 308 Maple, Butler, or Adirondack Halls.

The Champlain College Eco-Reps Program trains student leaders who model and promote environmentally responsible behaviors in the residence halls by educating their peers. This is a paid position (you do not have to be work study eligible), but you must live in a Champlain College residence hall to be an Eco-Rep. Go to our website […]

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The Northern New England Chapter of SWANA (Solid Waste Association Of North America) has a $1,000.00 scholarship available to undergraduates – deadline Jan. 15

The Northern New England Chapter of SWANA (Solid Waste Association Of North America) has a $1,000.00 scholarship available to undergraduates or graduate students. The scholarship is for those working toward a degree tied to Solid Waste management, Environmental Science, Engineering or a related field. The scholarship is limited to students from Maine, New Hampshire and […]

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Thanksgiving Good Reads: VNRC, AASHE, and Intervale Food Hub

Check out the latest news and announcements from local and national sources: Intervale AASHE VNRC: Get Involved Visit Our Website Give November 2014 E-News VNRC is a membership organization, meaning we count on people just like you for support. Right now, we are in the throes of our year-end fundraising appeal – a big but […]

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CSWD seeks input on solid waste plan

The following is an important message from CSWD: The Chittenden Solid Waste District is rewriting its Solid Waste Implementation Plan (SWIP) to comply with the State of Vermont’s Materials Management Plan (MMP). The MMP contains performance standards, including those focused on implementing Act 148 (Vermont’s universal recycling and composting law), that each solid waste entity […]

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VERMONT POWER SHIFT by Assad Akhlaqi ’16

by Eco-Rep Assad Akhlaqi ’16 On Sunday, November 16, 2014, I went to the Power Shift Vermont conference held in Landmark College in Putney, Vermont. The conference was hosted by the Vermont Student Climate Coalition (VSCC), which is a “network of Vermont students committed to fight for sustainability and climate justice as a medium for […]

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Champlain Eco-Reps travel to Northeast Eco-Reps Symposium

By Eco-Rep, Morgan Blanchard ’15 On Saturday, November 15th, a group of seven Eco-Reps along with Sustainability Director, Christina Erickson, traveled to the fifth annual Eco-Rep Symposium held at Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts. The event began with a sit-down lunch of mindful foods (no meat!) and a chance to get familiar with the events […]

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