Category Archives: Announcements

Eco-Rep attends the Better Buildings by Design Conference

by Jonathan DeLaBruere ’15 On Wednesday, February 4th, 2015 and Thursday, February 5th, 2015 the annual Better Buildings by Design came to the Sheraton in Burlington, Vermont.  Better Buildings by Design is the region’s premier design and construction conference, which features interactive learning about building durability, efficiency, and value for both residential and commercial projects.  […]

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Champlain Eco-Rep attends Lyndon Leadership Conference

by Jonathan DeLaBruere ’15– On Saturday, February 7th many schools across Vermont traveled to Lyndon State College to come together for an annual Student Leadership Conference.  There were many diverse groups of student leaders including but not limited to: Resident Assistants, Peer Advisors, Orientation Leaders, and Eco-Reps.  Even though the topics weren’t specifically related to […]

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Food Drive at Champlain

2nd  Annual Re-Stock the Food Shelf after Thanksgiving Food Drive…or in this year’s case WAY after Thanksgiving… Sponsored by: The Administrative System Team a Division of Information Systems Department   Sorry for the late drive but work and the holidays got the better of us…..   We will be putting boxes at Lakeside so you […]

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February Week One Updates: Second Nature, Intervale, AASHE, VBSR

Check out all the latest from some of the country’s most dedicated organizations for sustainability! This week, we have some important news from the VBSR, the Intervale, Second Nature, and AASHE. VBSR–Conference Information, Good Read, Job Opportunities Intervale–Announcements Intervale Conservation Nursery–Volunteer Opportunities AASHE–Good Read Second Nature: New Release: Second Nature Sustainability Sit-Downs Video #3 Sustainability […]

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call to action for safe biking for everyone in Burlington

Last fall, many worked tirelessly to take the idea of a “bikeable Burlington” closer to reality in Burlington’s New North End. Currently, Local Motion is working to take the “bikeable Burlington” idea city-wide — and to share with you two things that you can make a difference for safe biking over the next week. First some good news: […]

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Vermont EPSCoR Native American and First Generation Student Scholarship

$5,000 Vermont EPSCoR CWDD Native American and First Generation Student Scholarship program! To apply for a VT EPSCoR CWDD Student Scholarship, an applicant must be: A Vermont resident and United States citizen A graduating senior at a Vermont high school planning to attend a Vermont college during the next academic year, OR a current undergraduate […]

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Vermontivate! is a nationally recognized, award-winning community sustainability game designed to bring fun, impact, and creativity to the serious work of tackling climate change. From March 23 – May 2, 2015 players of all ages and experience levels from every corner of Vermont will take on a slate of challenges centered around themes such as: […]

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