Register Today for the Dec. 1st VECAN Conference!

Hello Energy Leaders,

You are invited to attend VECAN’s 11th Annual Community Energy and Climate Action Conference: “Mobilizing Leadership to Make Bold Progress,” on December 1st.  Registration is now open! So registertoday and come join local energy leaders, business innovators, policymakers and others for a day to #ActOnClimateVT.


The event is Dec. 1st from 9:00am – 4:30pm at the Lake Morey Resort in Fairlee, Vermont. Come take part in mobilizing leadership to make bold progress on climate!

Registration is open! Early Bird Registration is $40 through the 25th of Nov, $50 from the 26th through the 1st.

The one-day conference will feature informative workshops on The Path to a Green Transportation System, Making Solar Accessible to Vermonters with Low Incomes, Using Digital Tools to Reach the Public and Advance Energy Goals, and many more.  Our dynamic keynote speakers will be Bill McKibben and Michael Shank. Bill McKibben is a world-renowned author, environmental activist, and founder of, the first planet-wide, grassroots climate change movement. Michael Shank, Ph.D., is the Communications Director for the Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance and the Urban Sustainability Directors Network.

Register Today and find out more info by



Johanna Miller
Energy and Climate Action Program Director/VECAN Coordinator
(802) 223-2328 ext. 112
Ashley Anne Strobridge
AmeriCorps Member, Community Energy Coordinator
(802) 223-2328 ext. 116