Free Wellness Program on Portion Distortion! April 23rd


Champlain Wellness has been teaming up with Whole Health Nutritional to offer FREE Wellness programs and demonstrations to Champlain employees. We encourage you to take advantage of our next program while also learning ways to improve your own healthy Wellbeing!

Join us on Tuesday, April 23rd, for Portion Distortion at Lakeside Room 101 @noon for this FREE program!

In the past 20 years, waist lines have gotten bigger and bigger. It turns out portion sizes have too.  Join Leslie Langevin, MS, RD from Whole Health Nutrition, LLC for a fun and interactive presentation to get a better handle on what a portion size truly is…and what it is not. Leslie will also talk about some fun ways to make portions really fill the plate without adding to your waist line or calorie intake for the day. This is a learn by tasting presentation meaning delicious samples will be offered!

Sign up by emailing today! The participation spots for this demonstration are limited so sign up right away if you are interested.


Find Your Wellbeing!