Seeking items for Prom Store


I hope that you have all enjoyed a restful break and are now ready for the end of semester blitz that seems to gain so such momentum so quickly . . .

So, the Champlain College CAP (community awareness projects) program is back at it with a new spring endeavor, our first annual Prom Store to benefit the students of the NEK (Northeast Kingdom) region of our wonderful state, specifically North Country Union High School.

As you are aware, this is a very impoverished area and many students cannot attend the prom as they cannot afford the formal attire. No one knows of course; they just do not show up, so characteristic of the silence of poverty.  This is also a student-run project and our wonderfully humanitarian students have already acquired quite a few formal dresses.

We are very much in need of semi-formal clothes for young men (pants, jackets, button-down shirts, ties and shoes) that are in good condition.

We still also need shoes for young women and continue to accept dresses as this is a large union high school and we hope to be able to provide an outfit for all who need one.

We are also requesting donations for NEW (due to hygienic reasons), nylons, men’s dress socks, and make-up.

Prom Store donations can be dropped off at Freeman 200 (EHS department) from now through April 7th.

The Prom Store will then happen the following week during the school lunch hours so that all students may participate. We even have plans to jazz it up with some balloons and light refreshments.

I am in the process of arranging all of this with the NCUHS principal and he is thrilled, as he is all too aware of students missing out on so much due to poverty issues.

Thank you in advance for your continued support!

Kimberly Quinn


Champlain College