Food justice Activism workshop – March 11

Are you interested in social justice or food justice?

Then you should come to Food Justice Activism: Through a Social Justice Lense workshop!

This March 11th at Aiken 110 from 6-8pm, the speaker kat yang-stevens will be putting on an intersectional food justice workshop!

This workshop will use an intersectional and anti-colonial framework to develop and deepen understandings and intrinsic connections between food systems and environmental justice with a focus on indigenous communities and communities of color. Workshop will be interactive and provide participants with tangible steps toward incorporating new-found understandings into their daily praxis.

Through an intersectional and anti-colonial framework, kat will answer questions such as…

  • What and who is an activist in terms of food justice?
  • How does gentrification impact access to food?
  • How has chattel slavery and its impact and legacy on Black people in the so-called US affected Black people’s ability to access food?
  • How has colonialism affected food systems?
  • How can YOU get involved?

kat yang-stevens (they/them pronouns) is a popular social justice speaker who specializes in combating racism and food justice through activist strategies. They run Groundwork for Praxis, which is a people of Color activist collective which brings communities together through putting on workshops, direct actions, and providing an outlet for organizers from marginalized communities.


(Invite your friends and friend’s friends!)