Introducing our spring 2015 interns from UVM

We are lucky enough to have students from UVM interning with us again this year. Welcome, Eva & Aleyna!

Eva is a UVM sophomore (in the Rubenstein school) pursuing a degree in environmental studies, specifically with a concentration in sustainability. She is originally from Redding, Massachusetts. On the sustainability team here at Champlain, she is working to increase our internet visibility through social media and marketing strategies. Fun fact: Eva plays the cello!

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Aleyna is a UVM senior from the Bronx in New York City. She is getting a degree in environmental studies, with a concentration in sustainability. Additionally, she pursues a minor in sustainable landscape and horticulture. Alyena is helping with our annual tracking and metrics data collection and assessment. Fun fact: She is writing her thesis on food security in the Bronx, with Karen Washington as her inspiration.

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