Lots of exciting news and announcements in this week’s good reads! Check out the latest from Orion, planBTV, and Peace and Justice Center!
Looking for work that reflects your values? From environmental education and organic farming to advocacy and organizing, if you’re passionate about making change in the world, there’s an opportunity listed at Orion magazine’s Grassroots Jobsource that is perfect for you.Click here to receive these free e-mail updates from the Grassroots Jobsource. You can also opt to receive Orion magazine’s main e-mail newsletter, “Fresh from Orion,” while there.
Orion has a new website: visit the site here to read all the new features available from the January/February issue, and to enjoy 30% off all books at the Milkweed Books online store! Find the discount code in the top right corner of the homepage.
Latest Jobsource Listings
Some new internships:Naturalist Internships
North Woods Audubon Ctr
Sandstone, MNMarine Science Camp Intern
Chincoteague Bay Field StationWallops Island, VA
Farm to Table Garden Program Internship
Sylvia Center at Katchkie FarmKinderhook, NYThe Oakland Institute
Oakland, CANational Science Foundationsites worldwideEcology and Habitat Restoration Internships
Tin Mountain Conservation Ctr
Albany, NH
There’s more! To view all of the current job and internship listings, click here.
Some recent job listings:
Camp Denali
Denali National Park, AK
N. Illinois Univ. Field Campus
Oregon, IL
University of MassachusettsAmherst, MA
Opal Creek Ancient Forest Ctr
Portland and Lyons, WA
Seasonal Trail Crew & Leaders
NY/NJ Trail ConferenceMahwah, NJ
Camp Tawonga
Groveland, CA
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Request a free trial issue of Orion, which the Boston Globe has called “America’s finest environmental magazine.” If you like what you read, you can then
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Burlington Planning & Zoning Department
planBTV South End Community Workshop
February 11-14, 2015
Join us in February for the planBTV South End Community Workshop which will take place on February 11-14, 2015 at 747 Pine Street (former Food Service building across from Lake Champlain Chocolates).
An exciting four days of learning, sharing and in depth discussions about what you think the South End should look like in the decades to come. Join us for one of more scheduled events during the 4 days or visit use anytime during open studio hours.
Visit our website for a detailed schedule: https://www.burlingtonvt.gov/planBTV/SE/Get-Involved
The WORKSHOP space will be open for the following hours:
- Wednesday, February 11 – 11am to 9:30pm
- Thursday, February 12 – 7:30am to 9:30pm
- Friday, February 13 – 7:30am to 9:30pm
- Saturday, February 14 – 7:30am to noon
Have you seen the new Marble RUN as SEABA? This is another fun project created by some of our local artists… Another great way to provide your feedback too!
Visit the SEABA office at 404 Pine Street, Burlington VT
Monday – Friday – 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.Show up and SCRIBBLE a comment on paper. Tell us what you envision for the future of the South End.
As a reward for your NOBLE efforts, Get a MARBLE to put in The SEAD Amazingly Marvelous Marble Run and WATCH!
With thanks to the sponsors:
BCA – Burlington City Arts
SEAD – South End Arts District
SEABA – South End Arts & Burlington Business Association
Peace and Justice Center:
Click here for the latest Peace & Justice Newsletter
In This Issue
Join 100s of community members in Contois Auditorium, City Hall, Burlington on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: Monday, Jan 19. More info here. Bring signs, dress warmly (for the march up and down Church St. following speakers), and be prepared to hear truth spoken by Vermonters of color and allies (not an open mic). This is a peaceful demonstration.
The event starts promptly at6 PM.
If you missed the Black Lives Matter demonstrations onNovember 25 and December 12, you can see news footage of the earlier one here.
Quick Links
Center HoursMonday–Friday: 10am-6pm
Store HoursMonday–Thursday: 10am-6pmFriday–Saturday: 10am-7pmSunday: 10am-5pm
Hours are subject to change. Call 802-863-2345 x2 to confirm.
Location60 Lake Street, 1CBurlington Waterfront.(Next to The Skinny Pancake)
If you would like an event listed, please emailcalendar@pjcvt.org
January 19, 2015
Black Lives Matter Demonstration this Friday
Dr. King’s Message recognized by the PJC
By David Shiman, PJC Board Member
Our work at the Peace & Justice Center is an expression of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s societal critique and global vision. Drawing on his 1964 Nobel Peace Prize lecture, he wrote “The World House,” which calls on us to transcend our differences, embrace a vision of a world house, and strive to eradicate the triple evils of racism, poverty, and militarism both at home and around the world.
He writes, “Before it is too late, we must narrow the gaping chasm between our proclamations of peace and our lowly deeds which precipitate and perpetuate war…One day we must come to see that peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek but a means by which we arrive at that goal. We must pursue peaceful ends through peaceful means.”
“Racism,” he writes, “can well be that corrosive evil that will bring down the curtain on Western civilization…If Western civilization does not now respond constructively to the challenge to banish racism, some future historian will have to say that a great civilization died because it lacked the soul and commitment to make justice a reality for all men.” And poverty, he describes as “a monstrous octopus [that]…stretches its choking, prehensile tentacles into lands and villages all over the world.”
The Peace & Justice Center affirms through its policies and practices that, as Dr. King writes, “All life is interrelated. The agony of the poor impoverishes the rich; the betterment of the poor enriches the rich.” He concludes, in the gendered language of the time, “We are inevitably our brother’s keeper because we are our brother’s brother. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly.”
Note: “The World House” is the final chapter in his book, Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community? (1967).
Peace & Justice Center Turns 36!
How to Talk to Kids About Racism
With all the national media attention to the brutal murders of black men by police officers and the systemic racism coming to light, it is critical that all children learn the language of race and racism – not just the children of the families most at risk – and that children and caregivers are nurtured and supported in these conversations. This discussion group will offer age-appropriate ways to talk to kids, give support to those trying, and offer role playing opportunities. The first of these discussion groups is being offered in Montpelier starting next week and will be offered again in March in Burlington. This conversation must happen. Facilitated by Denise Dunbar and Rachel Siegel. For more information see Upcoming Events below, click here, or contact Andi.
Volunteer Info Session
Join Candace Taylor, our Volunteer Coordinator, at the Peace & Justice Center for our next
Volunteer Info Session.
Come learn about all the ways
you can get involved at PJC.We rely on the work of volunteers for the operations of the organization, from staffing the store to special events, stuffing envelopes to presenting workshops.
We would love to have you be part of our team!
Volunteer Info Session
60 Lake Street
Burlington VT, 05401
Date: Sunday, January 25th, 2015
Time: 12-1:30pm
for more information conact Candace
More Upcoming Events
January 18, Sunday
- 3:00pm MLK Remembrabce. Keynote Speaker: Nontombi Naomi Tutu, daughter of Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Vivienne Deane Gospel Ensemble of Montreal. FREE. Info: 802-657-4219. Tickets available at Fletcher Free Library and City Market.
January 19, Monday
- 12 noon MLK Remembrance with Jasmine Rand. Prendergast, granddaughter of Bob & Rita Marley and Attorney Rand, who represented the Trayvon Martin Family, will speak in remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther King’s legacy. City Hall Steps, Burlington
- 4:30pm Violence and the Call for Accountability and Justice in 21st Century America. Main speaker Kevin Powell, one of the most acclaimed political, cultural, literary and hip-hop voices in America today, with guest poet Rajnii Eddins. Chapel of Saint Michael the Archangel, St Michael’s College.
- 5pm Montpelier Candlelight Vigil and March. Readings from excerpts of MLK’s speeches. City Hall, 39 Main St, Montpelier, VT.
- 6pm Black Lives Matter Demonstration. Peaceful demonstration in celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; in remembrance of where we have been to emphasize where we are today; to show continued support for Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, Darrien Hunt, Eric Garner, etc.; to denounce our racist INjustice system; and to address the static state of racism in this country. Contois Auditorium, City Hall, Burlington.
January 21, Wednesday
- 6pm Panel Discussion: “Addressing Invisibility, Inequality, and Exclusion through Cultural Competence and Personal Understanding.” McCarthy Recital Hall, St Micheal’s College.
- 6:30pm The Experience of Drone Pilots at PJC. A new presentation about the people who operate unmanned aerial vehicles. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is higher among drone operators than onboard pilots in war zones. This event is an excellent way to become more knowledgeable about drones and the impact they have on individuals and communities in the USA and beyond. Michaela Herrmann will lead the presentation and discussion that follows. For more information or if you would like to host this event in your community email Carmen Solari or call 802-863-2345 x6.
- 6:30pm Save Open Space Burlington all-wards NPA “Summit Meeting” at Contois Auditorium to talk about municipal open space and protection of the Burlington College/Diocese land. For more information, contact Ruby Perry. Contois Auditorium, City Hall, Burlington
- 7:30-8:30pm Non-Citizen Voting Rights Discussion Non-confrontational educational discussion of the pros and cons of the proposed non-citizen voting question on the Burlington City Ballot in March. Facilitated by local attorney Mark Kaplan. Featuring City Councilor Rachel Siegel and candidate Michael Ly. For more infomation, click here. Ohavi Zedek Synagogue, 188, No Prospect St, Burlington.
January 22, Thursday
- 11:30am Film: Fruitvale Station.A 2013 American drama film written and directed by Ryan Coogler. It is Coogler’s first feature-length film and is based on the events leading to the death of Oscar Grant, a young man who was killed by BART police officer Johannes Mehserle at the Fruitvale Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Station in Oakland, California. McCarthy Arts Center Theatre, St. Michael’s College.
- 4pm Workshop: “The Power of One: Tools for Interrupting Oppressive Behavior” with anti-racism trainer Sherwood Smith. Ed.D. Roy Event Center, Dion Family Student Center, St. Michael’s College.
- 5pm Montpelier Candlelight vigil. Readings from excerpts of MLK’s speeches. City Hall, 39 Main St, Montpelier, VT. [Originally scheduled for Sunday, January 18. Rescheduled due to inclement weather.]
- 7pm “Righting the Wrongs: Combating Jim Crow” with Keynote Speaker Attorney Jasmine Rand. Despite the advances of the Civil Rights Movement, racial inequalities persist in almost every aspect of our nation from the right to vote, employment discrimination, housing and education and police brutality and killings. Attorney Rand shares the stories of her individual cases to remind us that Jim Crow in many ways is not history, it is our story. Roy Event Center, Dion Family Student Center, St. Michael’s College.
January 24 & 31 February 7 & 14, Saturdays
- 3:30-5pm How to Talk to Kids about Racism: four-part facilitated discussion group presented by PJC at the Kellogg-Hubbard Library, 135 Main St, Montpelier. FREE. All who are concerned about the impact of racism and/or privilege on our children are welcome to attend including parents, other family members, caregivers, and teachers. Registration required. 20 person maximum. Preference given to PJC members. For membership information, please go to www.pjcvt.org. If you need childcare in order to attend, you can note that on the registration. Please plan to attend all four session. For more information or to register, contact Andi.
January 28, Wednesday
- 6:30pm Drones 101 Presentation and Screening of Wounds of Waziristan at the Kimball Public Library, 67 North Main St, Randolph, VT. Join the Randolph Area Peace Coalition, the Peace & Justice Center, and Green Mountain Veteran’s for Peace for an evening of education and discussion centered on drones as a political and moral issue. Learn about the basics of this technology, legal controversies that surround the use of drones internationally and domestically, and the results of weaponized drones on the tribal regions of Pakistan. FREE.
February 4, Wednesday
- 6:30pm The Experience of Drone Pilots at the Bradford Public Library, 21 S. Main St. See descriptionJanuary 21.
February 5, Wednesday
- 5:30-7 Public Panel on Voter Eligibility introduced by Mayor Miro Weinberger addressing the upcoming Burlington ballot question that asks, “Shall the Vermont Constitution be amended to give residents of Vermont who are not currently citizens of the United States of America the right to vote in municipal and school elections?” City Hall, Burlington.
Peace & Justice Center