The following is a message from Energy Independent Vermont Campaign:
Wednesday, January 21 @6:30PM
Wednesday, January 21 @6:30PM
Main Street Landing
60 Lake St, Burlington, VT
As Vermonters know, global warming is happening now. With events like Irene already showing what the devastation we can expect from climate change can look like, we need to start holding accountable those industries responsible for global warming pollution. That’s why the Energy Independent Vermont Campaign is working to put a price on carbon pollution. We can help Vermonters save money on their home heating and other energy costs by creating an Energy Independence Fund funded through a requirement fossil fuel companies pay a tax on the pollution created by the fossil fuels they sell. And, we can use the rest of the revenue from that pollution tax to cut taxes we all currently pay and give low-income Vermonters an additional rebate.
Want to learn more about this exciting campaign? Please join us for our Educational Forum on January 21st at 6:30pm at Main St Landing. Find out more about the campaign and what you can do to help. With your support, we can hold these big fossil fuel companies accountable, help protect our planet, and save Vermonters money!
RSVP here to let us know you can make it, and bring a friend!