George D. Aiken Lecture hosting Neri Oxman


What: 2014 George D. Aiken Lecture hosting Neri Oxman

When and Where:Thursday, October 2nd, 2014 beginning at 5 pm in the Ira Allen Chapel

Thank you to the University of Vermont for bringing this dynamic speaker to Vermont! Watch an interview with Oxman here.

Neri Oxman transcends the boundaries between art, science and environmentalism. She is the Sony Corporation Career Development Professor, Associate Professor of Media Arts and Sciences, and Research Group Director at the MIT Media Lab, where she directs the Mediated Matter research group. Her group explores how digital design, engineering, material science, artistic forms, and ecology can combine to radically transform the design and construction of everyday objects, buildings, and systems. Oxman’s goal is to enhance the relationship between the built and the natural environment by employing design principles inspired by nature and implementing them in the invention of digital design technologies.
RSVP here

Know anyone who might be interested in nature-inspired design and engineering? Pass the news along!