Baltimore Ecosystem Study
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) position in Baltimore, MD Summer 2014
An outstanding undergraduate student in earth/environmental sciences (or related fields, including engineering) is sought to carry out research under the guidance of Profs. Joel Moore (Towson U.), Dan Bain (U. Pittsburgh) and Claire Welty (UMBC) in Baltimore for the summer of 2014. This position is sponsored by National Science Foundation through supplemental funds to the Baltimore Ecosystem Study (BES) Long-Term Ecological Research project.
The student will conduct a geochemical weathering investigation from start to finish. The goal is to calculate the long-term geochemical weathering rates (>10^5 years) of ultramafic and amphibolite bedrock in Dead Run watershed, a long-term BES study site. The calculation of long-term weathering rates, as determined by changes in soil, saprolite, and bedrock geochemistry, is an important first step for determining the changes in geochemical weathering and elemental fluxes from watersheds impacted by urbanization such as Dead Run.
The student will gain experience in:
– Choosing an appropriate site for geochemical investigation using GIS and field reconnaissance.
– Fieldwork, which will primarily entail collection of soil, saprolite, and bedrock samples for geochemical analysis as well as installation of piezometers for groundwater sample collection.
– Laboratory work to analyze the geochemistry of the soil, saprolite, and bedrock samples using X–Ray Fluorescence.
– Writing results in the form of a short technical report.
– Presenting results at the annual science meeting of the Baltimore Ecosystem Study in October 2014.
Qualifications: A cumulative GPA above 3.0 is required. Students must be entering freshman through senior year in college as of summer of 2014. Students having completed their bachelor’s degree, including expected graduation in May 2014, are not eligible to apply. Some prior experience working in the field or lab on projects related to hydrology, geology, or biogeochemistry is preferred but not required.
Compensation: The stipend for this full-time position is $500 per week for 9 weeks.
Dates: 9 weeks, June 2 – August 1, 2014.
How to Apply: To apply for this position, please email the following to Prof. Joel Moore at<> (1) a cover letter outlining your qualifications for this position; (2) your current resume including three professional references; and (3) electronic copies of unofficial college transcripts. Hard copy applications will not be accepted.
Application Deadline: Applications will be considered immediately until the position is filled.