2014 Kill-A-Watt Challenge

2014 Kill-A-Watt Challenge  || Brought to you by Sustain Champlain & Residential Life

 Kill-A-Watt Challenge Logo

The Kill-A-Watt Challenge is an annual opportunity to demonstrate the collective power (pun intended) of individual actions. By encouraging everyone to be more mindful of the electricity they use, we hope to raise awareness around 1) where our electricity comes from, 2) who and what is impacted by this, and 3) why this is important.  This is an event that everyone can get involved with, no matter their knowledge or experience related to energy. It truly can be as simple as turning off/powering down devices and lights when you are not using them, or coming up with creative ways to not use them in the first place.


How it works: Each residence hall/floor* will earn points for certain activities. The highest score wins. The challenge will take place between February 1-28. The winner will be determined by mid-March (or as soon as necessary utility bills can be viewed).  *Spinner Place will be divided into each floor (#4-7); Quarry Hill will be Floors #1&2 and #3&4.


Prize for winning building/floors:  winner’s choice of special champion t-shirts, Pizza Putt party, or ??, up to a $500 value  New this year:  Savings from our electric bills will be transferred to Financial Aid. The more you save = more money for student scholarships!

Site: https://www.champlain.edu/student-life/campus-and-community-programs/sustain-champlain/programs-sustain-champlain/eco-reps-program/kill-a-watt-challenge