SWEEP Membership Mtg on October 17th

Vermont SWEEP Membership Meeting, Thursday, October 17, 3:00 to 7:00 pm

VINS Nature Center (www.vinsweb.org), Route 4, Quechee, VT

Refreshments will be served

SWEEP’s biannual gathering brings together educators from all over Vermont to connect with colleagues in the related fields of environmental education, place-based education, outdoor education, ecology education, and sustainability education. As you can see, SWEEP members and supporters comprise a diverse group! But all share a passion for our planet and an interest in educating about it.

During this meeting, we’ll discuss SWEEP’s priorities for the next couple of years and find out what our colleagues are up to these days. This will be a great networking opportunity!

Please contact (jguarino556@gmail.com) or the co-chair, Heather Durkel(hdurkel@gmail.com) if you have questions