4/1: Environmental Club x Sustain Champlain Trash Clean Up
12:00pm – 2:00pm, meet at Wick Hall; Google Form Sign up
Info: Come to our kick off trash pick up event! We will have two more in the month of April, so join us in making our campus and community cleaner and prevent waste from ending up in Lake Champlain. This kick off will focus on trash on campus!
4/3-4/16: Green Up Challenge
2-week sustainability challenge with prizes! Check it out here.
Info: Participate in the Eco-Rep’s 2 week long Green Up Challenge with daily tasks and activities to help you learn more about sustainability and climate action both at Champlain and in your daily life! The challenge will run from April 3rd to April 16th, visit our website to participate and learn more about chances to win some awesome prizes.

4/5: CSWD Materials Recovery Facility Tour
Depart IDX at 10:30am, return by 1:00pm; SignUpGenius
Info: Come to tour the CSWD Materials Recovery Facility where they sort all of our blue bin recycling. Transportation to and from the facility will be provided, and the times of this event incorporate the travel time as well!
4/5: Environmental Career Panel w/ Applied Sustainability
4:00pm – 5:00pm in CCM 233
Info: Come join us for an environmental career panel with four women in various fields of environmentalism and sustainability! Our panelists include a Champlain College alum, a current Champlain College faculty member, and two community members with great expertise. We will have time for a Q&A at the end, so come with questions!

4/7: Campus Sustainability Tour
1:00pm – 2:00pm, Begins at the MIC
Info: As a part of our Green Up Challenge, come join us for an Campus Sustainability Tour to see some of the LEED Certified features we have here at Champlain! This will be a walking tour around campus so be prepared to enjoy some time outside and learn how Champlain maintains its legacy of being a sustainability centered institution!
4/7: Trash Bash: how well do we sort our waste? // Dirt Cups
5:00pm – 7:00pm, Fireside Lounge
Info: How well do you know how to compost and recycle? Do you think it matters if something ends up in the wrong waste stream? We will have 8 bags of campus waste, meant for the landfill, in Fireside Lounge. With a tarp, gloves, and coveralls, we will sort through those bags and see just how well folks on campus sort. BONUS: SAPs will be on site with dirt cups for a fun treat that reminds us of the importance of composting and treating our Earth well.

4/10: Protect Our Wildlife VT – Earth Month Presentation
11:00am – 12:00pm, Alumni Auditorium
Info: Join us for an Earth Month presentation from John Aberth, a licensed wildlife rehabber and former professor, about beavers. This will include photos and videos of beavers he currently has in his care as well as information about how important beavers are for our local ecosystems and what dangers they face.
4/10: Campus Sustainability Tour
5:30pm – 6:30pm, Begins at the MIC
Info: As a part of our Green Up Challenge, come join us for an Campus Sustainability Tour to see some of the LEED Certified features we have here at Champlain! This will be a walking tour around campus so be prepared to enjoy some time outside and learn how Champlain maintains its legacy of being a sustainability centered institution!

4/12: CSWD Green Mountain Compost Facility Tour
Depart IDX at 9:30am, return by 12:00pm; SignUpGenius
Info: Composting food scraps is legally required in Vermont. But what happens when it leaves our green bins? Come find out at the Green Mountain Compost Facility! Transportation to and from the facility will be provided, and the times of this event incorporate the travel time as well.
4/14: How to Use the Merlin Bird ID App – Event
11:30am – 12:30pm, Vista Room
Info: Birding can be done in the wilderness, mountains, and lakefront, but it can also be done right on campus! Learn how to use the Merlin Bird ID app so that you can experience more of the local wildlife. Bring your phone and your outdoor enthusiasm!

4/18: EV Show & Tell Day
11:00am – 1:00pm, Rozendaal Courtyard
Info: Ever wonder what’s under the hood of an electric vehicle? How do these cars even work? Come check out multiple EVs that will be parked in the Rozendaal Courtyard. Organizations including CarShare VT, Burlington Electric Department, Clean Cities Coalition, and GMP will be on site to answer questions and show you these vehicles.
4/19: E-bike demo w/ Local Motion (3 bikes!)
11:00am – 1:00pm, Finney Quad
Info: Local Motion is bringing 3 e-bikes for students, faculty, and staff to test out! E-bikes change the game when it comes to the Burlington hills, so come feel what it’s like to ride one. CATMA will also be on site to chat about the new version of the bike share program coming back this summer! (Note: please make sure to bring your driver’s license and/or Champlain College ID.)

4/20: CSWD Environmental Depot Tour
Depart IDX at 10:30am, return by 12:15pm; SignUpGenius
Info: How much do you know about hazardous waste? Where do you think it goes after being picked up? The CSWD Environmental Depot handles hazardous waste from many industries. Join us on the tour of their facility to learn more. Transportation to and from the facility will be provided, and the times of this event incorporate the travel time as well.
4/20: Migrant Justice Presentation
1:00pm – 2:30pm, Morgan Room in Aiken Hall

4/21: Trashion Show
6:00pm – 7:00pm, Fireside Lounge
Info: It’s no fashion faux pas to be more sustainable! Come join us for a night of superb styles all sourced from Champlain’s own free thrift store, the Swap Shop! Whether you want to check out the models as they strut their upcycled stuff, or just browse a small selection of the wide variety the Swap Shop has to offer, come on down to the Trashion Show for some thrifty fashion fun!
4/22: SAP: Earth Day Paper Making
8:00pm – 10:00pm, Fireside Lounge
Info: Upcycle paper from around campus to create your own, new to you paper. We will have colors, dried flowers, and other additives to make it yours.

4/24: Fair Trade Event: Movies & Smoothies
10:00 am – 12:00 pm; Fireside Lounge
Info: Join the CS&S Team for a late morning of Smoothies and Movies. Gather in Fireside Lounge between 10 am – 12 pm to get a sample of various smoothies that will be made with Fair Trade certified ingredients, while watching the beloved movie, The Lorax! Come learn about the importance of Fair Trade products and join us in celebration of Earth Month.
4/25: Community Garden Work Day
4:30pm – 6:00pm, Garden (Behind Rowell Hall). Rain date: April 27
Info: Did you reserve a community garden plot for this season? Do you just want to get outside and get your hands dirty? Come to our Community Garden Work Day where we will prep the garden for the upcoming season!

4/28: Spring Meltdown: Sort it Out Relay w/ Fair Trade Finals box prize
3:00 pm – 6:00 pm; Rozendaal Courtyard (Rain location: Argosy Gym)
Info: Join the beloved Spring Meltdown, run by SAP, to have fun before finals week! Sustain Champlain will have a competitive challenge to test your waste sorting skills, and there is an awesome prize box in store for the winner! If you don’t feel like competing, you can stop by our table to learn about Fair Trade and what makes our campus sustainable.