Reposted from United Way

October 13, 2022
LEND A HAND. VOLUNTEER – United Way’s Volunteer Connection site is set up to help connect agencies and volunteers. Agencies are working hard to navigate volunteering during this time, but opportunities are increasing. Here is a link for Volunteer Connection to learn more about these and other opportunities.
JUSTICE RESTORED – Franklin Grand Isle Restorative Justice Center is looking for volunteers to join their Circle of Support and Accountability (COSA) and work with other team members and an offender who is returning to the community after incarceration. Volunteers provide support and mentoring while assuring that Core Members remain accountable for their actions. The team meets one hour a week, and volunteers are encouraged to spend one-on-one time with the Core Member. A one-year commitment is required. Contact Lee King at 802-524-7006 or email
FEED THE CHILDREN – With Love From Vermont invites church groups, civic groups, families, and friends to make an impact on hunger by packing lifesaving food for starving children around the word and by donating non-perishable items for local food shelves. Food packing session will take place at the Lawton Intermediary School in Essex on October 21st from 7:30-9:30 p.m. and October 22nd from 10 a.m. to Noon and 1-3 p.m. To register, contact Frederick Kenney at or call 802-777-8349.
PLAY IN THE DIRT! – The Janet S. Munt Family Room at Ethan Allen Homestead needs adult volunteers on Saturday, October 15th from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. to help weed, clean up garden plots, and spread hay. Work and safety equipment provided. Bring work gloves. Contact Sarah at
THANKSGIVING COOKS NEEDED – Burlington Dismas House provides transitional housing for newly released prisoners. Theywill be providing a wonderful Thanksgiving meal for residents and guests at their Buell Street location and are looking for volunteers to help make this a memorable event. Volunteers are encouraged to enjoy the meal with the residents. Contact Hailey Leisten and 802-658-0381 or email
ARTISTS’ SPECIAL – Elmwood Avenue Emergency Shelter is looking to brighten up their building and is looking for volunteers to help prep and paint their site-wide mural. Volunteer days are scheduled for 2 weekends, October 15-16 and 22-23, weather permitting. Volunteers can sign up for 3-hour shifts 9 a.m. to Noon and Noon to 3 p.m. or just stop by and paint when you’re available. Contact Brian Pine at 802-578-6953.
Megan Bridges (she/her) why?
Community Impact Manager
United Way of Northwest Vermont

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Looking for a meaningful volunteer opportunity in your community? Visit our Volunteer Connection site today!