Reposted from City Market

Don’t Miss Out – Seeing and Disrupting Racism with the Peace & Justice Center!
This month, we’re so excited to partner with our friends at the Peace and Justice Center at our South End Community Room to learn tools for seeing and disrupting racism in our communities. This 101-level workshop is designed to provide an experiential learning opportunity with a combination of knowledge building, skills practice, and discussion. Space is limited – sign up today!
Plus, we have a great lineup of cooking classes throughout October. Join us in person for Ethiopian and Eritrean Doro Wat with instructor Mulu Tewelde, or explore ways to add more veggies to your diet deliciously with instructor Melissa Pasanen’s Broccoli Bonanza. Or, join our Sourdough 101 series this fall with bakeress Heike Meyer of Brot Bakehouse School and Kitchen!
Check out our full class listings at the link below!
Sign Up!
- Register for classes online! It’s easy and convenient.
- Prefer to pay by cash or check? Stop by our Customer Service desk.
- Questions? Please consult our class policies and FAQs.
We strive to keep our food education classes accessible. Food for All Members, mentoring pairs, and others can sign-up for free! Inquire about a scholarship by emailing

Copyright © 2022 City Market, Onion River Co-op, All rights reserved.
Downtown: 82 S. Winooski Ave, Burlington, VT 05401
South End: 207 Flynn Ave, Burlington, VT 05401