Reposted from Burlington Parks, Recreation, & Waterfront

Fall 2022 / Issue No. 23
Fall Happenings

Photo by Pixabay
Identifying Trees by the Color of Their Fall Leaves

Photo by Cassidy Motahari
Every fall throughout the Northeast, trees turn a signature color or colors based on the species of tree. Join BPRW Field Naturalist Alicia Daniel as she takes you on an virtual tour of the different colors of fall leaves at Ethan Allen Homestead. Learn to recognize maples, oaks, ashes and more by noticing which colors they turn in the fall.
Bringing Habitat Home
Photo by Michael SundueFree
Braden DeForge who has newly joined the conservation efforts in Burlington, explores a variety of efforts underway to use Nature Based Solutions to address climate change. Through his fresh eyes, Braden interviewed some of the many humans who are working in a web of intention and care to bring more connection into our natural and built environments
Read the article by Braden DeForge
Grow Wild volunteers Jen Herzer, Diane Hannigan, Avery Gilgallon give out native plants at DecaturFest.
Free trees for Burlington residents!
Burlington residents are eligible for free trees to plant in their yard through Community Canopy, an Arbor Day Foundation program. Residents can register for up to two free trees. The online sign-up process guides participants to the best locations to plant trees to help cool their homes, reduce energy usage, and save money. Residents can also sign-up by phone by calling the Arbor Day Foundation at 855-234-3801.
The trees must be reserved in advance and will be available for pick-up on Saturday, September 24 from 10am-12pm at Kieslich Park, 311 North Ave. Park.
The tree giveaway is being coordinated by the City of Burlington and the Vermont Urban & Community Forestry Program, a partnership between the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation and University of Vermont Extension.
Celebrating 50 Years of Community Gardening
Poster art by Bonnie Acker
Please consider sharing your abundant harvests with others in our community! At the Harvest Festival, we will be accepting produce donations and be bringing them to Feeding Chittenden in an effort to help feed our neighbors in need. Non-perishable items will also be accepted!
Golden Jubilee
Celebrating 50 years of community gardening in Burlington
The Harvest Festival is upon us! Join us this Sunday, September 11 from 4-7pm. Food, friends, music, and all at the beautiful setting of the Ethan Allen Homestead.
Please join us, your presence will make it even more special!
Volunteers needed at the Harvest Festival
We are in need of a few more hands to help pull off the event. Click the button below to review the volunteer opportunities that are still available
Late Season Gardening Workshops
Seed Saving & Sharing Workshop
Thursday, September 15th, 5pm – 6:30pmTommy Thompson Community Garden Free!
Extending the Growing Season & Putting the Garden to Rest Workshop
Saturday, October 1st, 10am – 11:30am Tommy Thompson Community Garden Free!
More About the Workshops and Registration
Conservation Partners
Making Sumac Lemonade
Sumac can be harvested from late July-September, the best time being August. The fruit can be taste tested before harvest to ensure flavor. Avoid harvesting after a rain event as the flavor will be diminished. This plant’s fruits are traditionally used by indigenous peoples to make a sumac tea by infusing the berries. We have a take on this use of the plant and hope you’ll enjoy this sumac lemonade recipe!
Burlington Wildways Bingo Card
Burlington Wildways outdoor bingo board serves as a monthly scavenger hunt for experts and amateurs alike! To play, use the board below as your guide to species found in Burlington and Winooski right now. Take a photo or record a sound of these species and post your observations to If you find the most species in a month, you just may be rewarded… Track your progress on the iNaturalist project page. If you aren’t on iNaturalist, just check off the species you find and see if you can get five in a row before the species reset next month!
City Of Burlington Parks, Recreation & Waterfront
Address: 645 Pine Street, Suite B
Burlington, VT 05401
Phone: (802) 864-0123