February 7, 2022 LEND A HAND. VOLUNTEER – United Way’s Volunteer Connection site is set up to help connect agencies and volunteers. Agencies are working hard to navigate volunteering during this time, but opportunities are increasing. Here is a link for Volunteer Connection to learn more about these and other opportunities. DO DROP IN – Spectrum Drop-in Center in St. Albans serves youth ages 14-24. They provide lunch and dinner, Monday-Friday, and serve about 15 young people. They would appreciate any meal donations, which can be dropped off between 4 and 4:45 p.m. A pizza delivery would be fine! To sign up for a meal, visit https://www.mealtrain.com/trains/m6qowl JOIN THE TEAM – Green Mountain Habitat’s ReStore in Williston needs two volunteers to join their “linen team.” Team members sort donations, price items for sale, and merchandise the linen section of the store. Twice a week, 2 hours each day. Contact Kali at kali@vermonthabitat.org. SCORE FOR SUCCESS – SCORE volunteers help entrepreneurs achieve their dreams of owning a small business. They help with email marketing, networking, data and analytics, local events, and more. Volunteers can also help support SCORE with media contact for national and local public relations, fundraising, or serving as Community Ambassadors. Flexible scheduling. Learn more at www.score.org/volunteer. PICK IT UP – Maquam Bay of Missisquoi is looking for volunteers to unload and shelve deliveries from the Food bank on the first Tuesday of each month from 10 a.m. to Noon. They also need a driver to pick up food at the St. Albans American Legion on the first Friday of the month, 10 a.m. – Noon, and deliver it to the Tribal office and help unload. Contact Chantel Bockus at info@abenakination.com or call 802-868-6255. JUSTICE FOR ALL – Essex Community Justice’s COSA (Circle of Support & Accountability) program provides help for folks released from the time in jail so they can do well in the community. They are looking for volunteers to model social relationships through conversation and activities, help problem solve, and promote accountability. Flexible one hour a week scheduling. Contact Jill Evans at jevans@essex.org or call 802-872-7690. MENTOR! MENTOR! – Mercy Connection matches volunteer mentors with incarcerated and court-involved women as they make the transition to sustainable lives in Vermont. Mentoring pairs meet virtually, one on one, and in small virtual group meetings and healthy social events. Five-week training for mentors is being provided from March 2 through March 30. Volunteer and make a difference! Contact Joanne Nelson at jnelson@mercyconnections.org or call 802-846-7164. Best, Megan Megan Bridges (she/her/hers) Community Impact Manager United Way of Northwest Vermont (802) 861-7822 unitedwaynwvt.org |