Youth Alliance Volunteer Opportunity November 2021 |
VRJA’s mission is to secure sustainable power, ensure agency, and provide security for American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS), while embracing their history and preserving their culture. The Vermont Racial Justice Alliance (VRJA) continues the intentional response to systemic racism in Vermont. Everything about our mission of the Racial Justice Alliance intentionally suggests our commitment to our youth. More than ever our youth are conscious and engaged. The purpose of the VRJA Youth Alliance Program is to provide the tools to enable our Black and Brown youth to become self-sufficient and live exceptional lives. The VRJA Youth Alliance Program will operate out of the newly established Richard Kemp Center, in the Old North End of Burlington. National data show that BIPOC students are lagging behind in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) including English Language Proficiency. The Covid pandemic has exacerbated the situation. Thus, we are reaching out to you to collaborate and assist Brown youth with homework and other academic related needs. More details: VRJA will pair students with a mentor for cases that need consistency. For students who struggle, we will need to pair them otherwise, we want students to learn from anyone who is available that day. Mentoring could happen in person, or remotely, as conditions permit. College/University students as well as employees are encouraged to serve as mentors This opportunity is available to begin at any time. For more information or to volunteer, contact: Cleophace Mukeba Director of Outreach & Education Vermont Racial Justice Alliance (VRJA) Tel (802) 324-8936 mukeba@vtracialjusticealliance.org https://www.vtracialjusticealliance.org/ ************************************************************************************************************** Christina Erickson, Ph.D. (she/her) Director of Service & Sustainability Learning Center for Service & Sustainability, Champlain College Office Location: Skiff Annex 203 Campus Box #20 || Mailing Address: PO Box 670, Burlington, VT 05402 802.865.5449 || Website || Blog || Facebook || Instagram |