September 8, 2021
LEND A HAND. VOLUNTEER – United Way of Northwest Vermont’s mobile-friendly Volunteer Connection connects you to hundreds of local volunteer needs. Search by age, date, county, interests or causes that are important to you. Stay connected to community needs. Here is a link for Volunteer Connection to learn more about these and other opportunities.
MEALS ON WHEELS – Age Well is looking for Meals on Wheelsvolunteers to fill a number of needs. Volunteers can deliver meals, grocery shop, help with budgeting, and/or share friendly visits with older neighbors. For information, contact the Age Well Volunteer Team at (802) 662-5249 or email volunteer@agewellvt.org.
TECH SAVVY? – Education and Enrichment for Everyone (EEE) is looking for a volunteer with social media experience to help create an engaging FaceBook page for them. They could also use a volunteer with technical skills in database management and Mail Chimp. This would be a great experience for a student interested in a career in computer technology! All work will be done remotely. Contact Carol Roach at (802) 881-8376 or email eeevermontorg@gmail.com.
ENGINEER IT! – ECHO is inviting volunteers to serve as Engineer It Facilitators to guide learners through hand-on activities by asking questions, having meaningful conversations, and encouraging guests to think as scientists. Facilitators lead museum guests through activities in a number of science fields focusing on problem solving and the engineering design process. Volunteers must have proof of full vaccination against COVID-19. Daily shifts available, mornings from 10:30-1:30, afternoons from 2-5. Volunteers are asked to service one 3-hour shift a week for a minimum of 4 months. Training provided. Click here to apply: https://app.betterimpact.com/Application?ApplicationFormNumber=1&OrganizationGuid=f266b4de-75f9-4a1b-bb7a-f38f1672121e&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=idealist
BOOK CONNOISSEUR NEEDED – Green Mountain Habitat for Humanity is in need of a volunteer keeper of books in their Williston ReStore. Volunteers sort through donated books, determine what books will best suit various locations, and maintain bookshelves to ensure the best selection for shoppers. Two hours a day, twice a week. Contact Kali Wood at (802) 318-7533 or email volunteer@vermonthabitat.org.
ON THE BOARD – Old School of South Burlington is searching for a Treasurer to serve on their Board of Directors to facilitate the financial needs of their non-profit organization. The Treasurer will review monthly expenditures against the budget and provide guidance on upcoming expenditures related to the school’s goals. Experience with Quickbooks and basic bookkeeping skills is important, but a formal degree in Finance is not required. Contact Brandon Diaz at (570) 350-6580 or email b.oldschool.vt@gmail.com.
GENERAL UPKEEP – Ethan Allen Homestead Museum has need of a volunteer to do light custodial work. Tasks include tidying the visitor center, washing windows, sweeping, raking, etc. A great opportunity for a community service project! Flexible scheduling. Contact Dan O’Neil at 865-4556 or email ethanallenhomestead@gmail.com.
Megan Bridges (she/her/hers)
Community Impact Coordinator