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Last week we shared the testimony of Vermont farmworker Primitivo. He spoke about being fired after protesting unbearable conditions: sub-minimum wages, three shifts a day without time for rest, and a house without sufficient heating or hot water. Primitivo worked on a farm that produces Hannaford-brand milk, and unfortunately his experience is shared by many workers at Hananford’s dairy suppliers.

Saturday marks May Day, recognized around the world as International Workers Day. Celebrations in Vermont will kick off at noon at the State House in Montpelier with a worker solidarity rally. Farmworkers will rally alongside teachers, state employees, and workers from across Vermont in an event organized by a large coalition of labor and community organizations. Together we will lift up demands for worker rights: protect the pensions! pass the PRO Act! universal healthcare! climate justice now!
Following the State House event, ralliers will drive to the nearby Hannaford Supermarket in Barre to take the fight for for farmworker rights to the company’s doorstep. Dairy workers will lead a high energy, street theater action, letting Hannaford know that we demand Milk with Dignity. You won’t want to miss it!
And while we join with workers from around Vermont to take action in Montpelier and Barre, Migrant Justice is also sending a delegation of farmworkers to Washington, D.C. Thousands will converge on the nation’s capital to demand that Congress pass reforms guaranteeing permanent protection for the nearly 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States. Immigrant workers have sustained much of the U.S. economy throughout the pandemic, including dairy farms in Vermont. It is past time for the country to recognize the humanity of this essential community.
In solidarity,
Migrant Justice
p.s. Can’t make it to the Mayday action? Be sure to tune in to our social media pages throughout the day for videos and action updates. And check out our campaign toolkit on the Migrant Justice website for ways to support from afar!