You are cordially invited to join the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Student Engagement, and the Office of International Student Services in celebrating Latinx Heritage month by attending this live virtual keynote and Q&A session (flyer attached and details below):
- The Walk of the Immigrants: Wednesday, October 7, 1:00-2:00 pm ET (remote)
- Join us for a Zoom event with keynote speaker Saul Flores. Saul spent three months walking, hitchhiking, and sleeping on the ground and in hiding places. In three months, he walked 5,328 miles through ten countries and nine border crossings to document how grueling and dangerous the journey of immigrants to the United States can be and to raise money for an elementary school in Atencingo, Mexico.
- Relive The Walk of the Immigrants along with Saul and create a deeper understanding of the struggles, hardships, joy, and hope that immigrants experience on their journey. Following the presentation there will be a Q&A.
- Join the event here (password: Champlain).
- This event is co-sponsored by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Student Engagement, and the Office of International Student Services.
Faculty colleagues, please consider encouraging student attendance with extra credit or alternative incentives.
Ashley Michelle Fowler (she/her)Associate Director, Office of Diversity and Inclusion
Champlain College
Black Lives Matter.