People and the Planet
Our work intersects both. We cannot care for one without the other and we acknowledge that BIPOC (black, indigenous and people of color) and/or low-income people face a greater disparity when it comes to many contemporary issues, including the climate crisis – even here in Vermont.
Racial Justice image from Climate Reality Action Fund in solidarity with #BlackLivesMatter.
The Center for Service and Sustainability offers opportunities for students, faculty and staff to engage in service, and oversees Sustain Champlain, Champlain’s campus sustainability initiative. The Center combines community service with academic instruction by immersing students in critical, reflective thinking and integrating their program, Core and extra-curricular learning.
Get an Overview of our Campus Sustainability Efforts
Compost Update
Yup! It’s now the law in Vermont to compost food scraps (which we’ve done for a long time at Champlain), but with new COVID protocols this year, we have way more compostable materials to deal with. Read this update from Nic Anderson, Interim Director of Auxiliary Services for more details, and stay tuned for more bins and more signage. A few highlights?
- most of the take-out materials from the Caf / Eats are compostable. Please put chip bags and condiment wrappers in the trash, and then compost your box, cups, lids, silverware, napkin, and any food scraps.
- we’ve expanded collection for composting paper towels in the bathrooms. All paper towels in Champlain bathrooms are compostable. Please be sure to put truly trash items in the appropriate other bin.

Have you heard? There’s an election happening in November
Champlain College encourages students and employees to engage in our democracy, when possible. To that end, we partner with TurboVote for voter registration. When you sign up, TurboVote keeps track of your elections, local and national. And if you need to get registered, update your voter registration, or request an absentee ballot, TurboVote will get you all the forms and information you need, when you need them.
For Faculty
The Center for Service and Sustainability connects faculty to our campus and community partners. This office operates under a model of reciprocity, where community partners, students, and faculty all benefit from the partnership. If you are teaching a class and are interested in incorporating a service-learning and/or sustainability component and would like our help, please reach out to Christina Erickson to set up a meeting. Christina is happy to come to your classroom and speak to your students as well.

Award Winner 2020: John Stroup, EHS (second from left) with Service-Learning Faculty Fellow participants, 2018-2019
Learn more about Service-Learning
Student Eco-Rep Application
Deadline: September 14th

The Champlain College Eco-Reps Program trains student leaders who model and promote environmentally responsible and socially-just behaviors in the residence halls by educating their peers. This is a paid position (you do not have to be work study eligible), but you must be able to attend our weekly (remote) Wednesday meetings at 1pm, EST. While this position is traditionally for students living in Champlain College residence halls, applications for Fall 2020 are open to all students, regardless of location.
Go here for a direct link to the application. Eco-Reps is a program of the Center for Service and Sustainability, Residential Life & Physical Plant.
Upcoming Events at Champlain and in the Community
- Wed. 9/9, 3:15pm Voter Engagement Team planning meeting (all are welcome!)
- Sat. 9/12-Sun 9/13 Environmental Justice Hackathon (virtual, national event)
- Mon. 9/14 Eco-Reps Application Deadline
- Tue. 9/22 National Voter Registration Day
Green Revolving Fund

This fund primarily supports energy efficiency projects here on campus, but also has a portion available for projects proposed by Champlain College community members. Proposals are due November 1 and March 1. Learn more at champlain.edu/greenfund
Check out our Google Calendar and Blog for other upcoming events and service opportunities.
Skiff Annex 203 || www.champlain.edu/service
Christina Erickson, Ph.D. (she/her)
Director of Service & Sustainability Learning
Center for Service & Sustainability, Champlain College
Office Location: Skiff Annex 203 || Campus Box #20 || Mailing Address: PO Box 670, Burlington, VT 05402
802.865.5449 || Website || Blog || Facebook
Are you registered to vote? Requested your absentee ballot? Do it TODAY at champlain.turbovote.org