The September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance is less than a couple weeks away. How we honor this day looks a lot differently this year, but in many ways, it will perfectly match the heroic spirit of all those who responded and helped others in the aftermath of the tragedy 19 years ago.
Volunteering fulfills not only a community need, but a need of our own spirit. We have heard from so many about how they are pivoting to virtual volunteer opportunities, opportunities that allow for participation from home, opportunities to participate in socially distanced small groups, and opportunities that are filling a particular need in their communities because of COVID-19.
If you have not decided how you or your organization will honor this September 11th, we encourage you to check our resources for ideas. There you will find volunteer opportunities around the country, project ideas, suggestions on how to serve safely, and links to grantees that have created resources to help you plan your own 9/11 project, including tools for at-home projects and for kids. You will also find graphics to use and share, sample proclamations, and sample media templates.
We look forward to hearing how you plan to honor 9/11. Please register your projects and tag your posts #911Day so we can share your service on social media.
If you have questions or just want to share, please email Engagement@cns.gov.