Changes on the REV Board
We are delighted to welcome Josh Bagnato as Chair of REV’s Board. He has served on the board for the past two years, including service as Secretary.
Josh is Vice President of Project Development for Transmission Developers Inc. (“TDI”) where he manages development activities with a specific focus on the New England Clean Power Link. Prior to joining TDI, Josh worked for First Wind as well as holding several positions within Massachusetts Government, including serving as the Director of Renewable Energy Policy.
We are so grateful to Leslie Cadwell for her many years of service on the REV Board including this past year as Chair. She is continuing to serve REV as Secretary. Harris Roen will continue his service as Treasurer and Martha Staskus as Vice Chair.
Loss for Vermont’s Renewable Energy Community

Last month, we lost a passionate renewable energy advocate and compassionate business leader. Bhima Nitta – founder and CEO of Power Guru in North Bennington – died unexpectedly on August 6 at the age of 54. He was a pioneer in helping Vermonters reduce pollution and achieve energy independence with solar power and batteries. We miss him deeply and are grateful that the work he started at Power Guru will continue. Read full obituary here.
Upcoming Events

Thursday, Sept 10, 12:00 – 1:00 pm
Register Here
Join leaders of Vermont’s clean tech and business community for a discussion with Molly Gray, Democratic nominee for Lieutenant Governor. Hear from Molly about her vision for the state and join in a discussion about growing the clean tech and business sector in Vermont.
Hosted by Andrew Savage, Morgan Hillenbrand, Chad Farrell, Charlie Kireker, Marie Kireker, Duane Peterson, Mary Sprayregen, Mia Moore, James Moore, Luke Shullenberger, David Blittersdorf, and Renewable Energy Vermont

Thursday, Sept 10, 9:00 am – 12:30 pm
Register here
Solar energy works with Vermont’s working landscape. Join REV for discussion on farm-friendly solar, grazing and ‘agrivoltaics’; creating bird, bee and butterfly habitat; and resolving siting conflicts. Plus, virtual tours of pollinator-friendly solar projects right here in Vermont!
Organized by the Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets with the University of Vermont’s Gund Institute and UVM Extension’s Center for Sustainable Agriculture.
Wednesday, Sept 16, 12:00 – 1:30 pm
Register here
Join the Vermont Green Building Network in recognizing the 2019 winners of the Vermont’s Greenest Building Awards Competition. A presentation will follow, featuring Shelly Pottorf of Middlebury who shows how our social-ecological challenges are not actually technological questions, but hinge fundamentally on worldview. RSVP by September 15.
Thursday, Oct 1, 5:30 pm – 10:00 pm
Register here
Join SunCommon at the Colchester drive-in for a family-friendly double-feature of “Fern Gully: The Last Rain Forest” and “Hocus-Pocus”. Gates open at 5:30. Sun sets at 6:32. Show starts at 7:00. Come for the movies and check out a selection of all the EV’s on the road today beforehand. (We will confirm an expected vehicle list before the event.)

Sept 26 – Oct 4
Drive Electric Week is a nationwide celebration to raise awareness of the many benefits of all-electric and plug-in hybrid cars, trucks, motorcycles, and more. They are fun to drive, are less expensive and more convenient to fuel than gasoline vehicles, are better for the environment, promote local jobs, and reduce our dependence on foreign oil. Are you considering going electric? Vermont currently offers up to $4,000 for income-eligible Vermonters purchasing or leasing an electric vehicle. Learn more about these state incentives as well as federal and utility incentives here.
Check out the full calendar & local events here.
Grants Available

The Vermont Clean Energy Development Fund is offering incentives to switch from coal-fired heat to an advanced wood alternative. Up to $7,000 for residential and up to $27,000 for businesses. Click here to find out all the details and apply.

VTRANS announced guidelines for its 2020 grant program. Funds available to local governments, transit agencies, schools and school districts and regional planning commissions. Eligible projects include bike lanes, shoulders, sidewalks, cross walks and shared use paths. Click here for complete details. Applications due Sept 30 by 1:00 pm.
Interested in Community Solar?
New spots are open for GMP customers who want to participate in net-metered community solar. It’s a great way for people who don’t have access to solar because they rent, have unsuitable roofs or live in multi-tenant buildings to participate in the benefits of local renewable energy.
Contact Lisa@revermont.org for more information
What We’re Reading
Everything is unprecedented – Welcome to your hotter earth! (3 min listen)
This Lab Aims to Prepare the U.S. Electricity Grid for a Climate Transformation A new test bed at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory will explore ways to ease the shift to renewables and energy storage systems.
How to decarbonize America — and create 25 million jobs
The US has the technology to decarbonize by 2035. Here’s a plan to do it.
CLEAN ENERGY GROUP – Project Manager for Solar Energy and Energy Storage
Clean Energy Group and the Clean Energy States Alliance seek a Project Manager to work on the organizations’ initiatives related to solar and energy storage for low- and moderate-income (LMI) communities and environmental justice communities, with an emphasis on outreach to state energy agencies and community-based organizations. The Project Manager will carry out outreach, research, writing, and administrative tasks related to CEG/CESA’s solar and energy storage programs. (posted to REV: 08.04.2020)
We are seeking experienced, energetic Solar Installers and Electricians to join our team. Must be comfortable with heights and willing to work 40+ hour weeks for year-round installs. Candidate must be courteous to customers, self-motivated and work well with others. Send a resume to info@greenmtnsolar.com
PECK SOLAR – Project Manager – Solar Commercial
We are looking for an experienced project manager to oversee PV and commercial battery storage installations throughout Vermont. Responsibilities include coordination and oversight of the installation of multiple commercial projects; oversight of all activities related to engineering, permitting and construction to set each project up for a successful completion; adherence to plan set and engineering; material coordination and ordering; coordination and performance of all inspections with local jurisdictions. (posted to REV 2020.08.25)
Don’t see what you’re looking for? Find more job postings here.
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Renewable Energy Vermont · PO Box 1036, Montpelier, VT 05406, United States