Enjoy our monthly newsletter providing updates on research, outreach and education from Lake Champlain Sea Grant.

Mo Monday on Tuesday: Winning and Perseverance
By Kris Stepenuck, Extension Leader and Mo Owner
September 08, 2020
Yesterday, my husband called to me from outside indicating that the title should be “perseverance.” Curious, I grabbed my phone (aka camera) and went out back to find Mo in another run-in with the Adirondack chairs. As you can see from the soil piled up behind his tires, he tried very hard to get… [read more]

Vermont Water Resources & Lake Studies Center Call for Research Proposals
By Lake Champlain Sea Grant
September 01, 2020
Vermont Water Resources and Lake Studies Center welcomes proposals focusing on critical water resources science and management needs in Vermont, including the Connecticut River basin and the Lake Champlain basin, from investigators based at an institute of higher education in Vermont. The… [read more]

Mo Monday: Learn How Grass Grows
By Kris Stepenuck, Extension Leader and Mo Owner
August 31, 2020
Now that the summer heat has passed, the grass in our yard is noticeably growing again in a waning effort to create and store sugars it will use while dormant during the winter months. At the same time, Mo is dutifully out mowing, and like always, cutting just a small amount of each grass blade,… [read more]

By Anna Hildebrand, Undergraduate Student Intern
August 18, 2020
As a resident of Burlington, Vermont and an environmental sciences student, it’s hard not to notice the downhill movement of rain to Lake Champlain when a large storm rolls through. Sediment, heavy metals, bacteria, and phosphorus gradually join the swirling mixture until it reaches the closest… [read more]

Mo Monday: It’s Time to Test the Soil
By Kris Stepenuck, Extension Leader and Mo Owner
August 17, 2020
While Mo is great, and saves us a lot of time, my husband and I, as new homeowners, soon realized that lush green grass isn’t guaranteed with only regular mowing and that other factors can impact grass health. In our case, creeping Charlie, or ground ivy, crept in rather handily to one area… [read more]

Lake Champlain Islands Contest Seeks COVID-Smart Photo Entries
By Julianna White, Research Program Coordinator
August 12, 2020
The University of Vermont (UVM) Extension Lake Champlain Sea Grant Program and the Lake Champlain Islands Economic Development Corporation (LCIEDC) are co-sponsoring a photo contest this summer to promote safety and tourism in the Lake Champlain Islands during the COVID-19 pandemic. The… [read more]

Mo Monday: Win a Mulching Mower and More Mo Antics
By Kris Stepenuck, Extension Leader and Mo Owner
August 10, 2020
This Mo Monday, we’d like to mention a very important topic! That is, the Raise the Blade team is running a contest this summer. People over 18 who live in the Lake Champlain basin can enter for a chance to win a mulching mower! The idea is to help one lucky winner implement the… [read more]
Upcoming Events
Potential Presence of and Risks From COVID-19 in Water: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 – 4:00pm to 5:30pm | Online – Registration required
Stormwater Training Program: Wednesday, September 23, 2020 – 8:30am to Thursday, September 24, 2020 – 12:00pm | Online – Registration required
40th International Symposium of the North American Lake Management Society: Monday, November 16, 2020 (All day) to Friday, November 20, 2020 (All day) | Online – Registration required
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