Update – United Way of Northwest Vermont’s Volunteer Connection

March 25, 2020


As with many aspects of this crisis, we are in uncharted territory with when it comes to mobilizing volunteers.  While many of our neighbors will have needs in the coming weeks and there are many of us eager to help, agencies are grappling with how to use volunteers safely to both protect the volunteers and the vulnerable populations which need the most help.

We are ready at United Way to use our Volunteer Connection site to help connect agencies and volunteers.  I have created a COVID-19 Response section for both needs and in-kind support.  As expected, agencies are working hard to navigate volunteering in this new time, so there is not a lot of response yet.  Here is a link for you to see what has been entered so far:


As you can see, there is currently a critical need for blood, so this is one way people can help immediately. Also, Age Well is looking of meal or grocery delivery volunteers. They do require background checks to protect the older adults they serve.

We are exploring opportunities for people to do Remote Volunteering and will be posting these opportunities as they arise.

Also, please share the resource page we have added on our website which includes both resources and links to local Mutual Aid volunteer coordination as well as  a link to donate to United Way of Northwest Vermont’s emergency response fund that will help agencies in our community on the front line of this crisis.


I hope this helps and please stay in touch so we can share information.

United Way of Northwest Response, Press Release March 20, 2020




Megan Bridges

Volunteer Connection Coordinator

United Way of Northwest Vermont


Get connected to volunteering:

VOLUNTEER CONNECTION   https://unitedwaynwvt.galaxydigital.com/
