The fall Career Fair is right around the corner (Monday, October 21st!). In preparation for the event, one of the Career Collaborative’s fabulous Peer Coaches, Sadie Goldfarb, will be hosting our annual Dress for Success on October 17th from 5:00pm – 8:00pm in Fireside. This event provides professional clothing to our student body at no cost.
To prepare for the event, we are actively collecting clothing donations of gently used professional clothes. If you have any items that you are interested in donating, please bring them to the Career Collaborative by Thursday, October 10th at 5:00pm. We are open to collect items any weekday from 8:30am – 5:00pm.
If you have specific questions about types of attire or to schedule an out-of-hours drop off, please feel free to reach out to Sadie directly at
Thank you in advance for your time and potential donations!
All the best,
Sadie & the Career Collaborative Team